值得的用法 |worth等值得的用法大全!翻譯寫作常用,必看!

值得的用法 是什麼?worth、worthy、worthwhile都有「值得的」意思,還有worth one’s while也可以表達「值得的」意思!是不是好混淆啊~?









值得的用法 大整理

I. worth 的用法:be worth + N/V-ing

  1. worth意思是「價值…錢的」、「值得的」。
  2. worth是形容詞,必須搭配be動詞。
  3. be worth 後面加名詞V-ing
  4. 注意,be worth V-ing意思是某事或某物值得做,屬於被動意義,但用主動V-ing表示。
  5. 常用搭配:
  • be worth it 值得的
  • be worth visiting 值得參觀
  • be worth doing 值得做
  • be worth reading 值得讀


The delicate vase is worth 2 million dollars. Don’t break it!

(這個精緻的花瓶價值200萬美元。 不要打破它!)

→ be worth + 金額:價值…錢


This gallery houses many oil painting painted by world-renowned artists. It is worth a visit.

= This gallery houses many oil painting painted by world-renowned artists. It is worth visiting.

(這個畫廊收藏了許多世界知名藝術家的油畫。 值得一遊。)

→ be worth + N

→ be worth a visit:值得參觀

→ be worth V-ing:用主動表示被動意義


The plan Lucy came up with sounds practical. It is worth a try.

(Lucy想出的計劃聽起來很實用。 值得一試。)

→ be worth a try:值得一試

→ be worth + N


I highly recommend this novel about a young man and his adventure. It is really worth reading.

(我強烈推薦這本關於一個年輕人和他冒險的小說。 真的很值得一讀。)

→ be worth V-ing

→ be worth V-ing:用主動,但表示的是被動意義


To achieve your goal, you have to devote hard work, but it’s worth it.


→ be worth + N

→ it’s worth it:是值得的




II. worthy 的用法:be worthy of + N

  1. worthy意思是「值得的」。
  2. worthy是形容詞,必須搭配be動詞與of,使用be worthy of。
  3. be worthy of後面加名詞
  4. 常用搭配:
  • be worthy of attention/note 值得注意
  • be worthy of respect 值得尊敬
  • be worthy of trust 值得信任
  • be worthy of a visit 值得拜訪
  • be worthy of mention 值得一提


With the worsening pollution problems, environmental protection is worthy of our attention.


→ be worthy of + N

→ be worthy of attention 值得注意


Saving many people from the burning building, the brave firefighter is worthy of our respect.


→ be worthy of + N

→ be worthy of respect 值得尊敬


The general manager is attempting to recruit someone who is worthy of his trust to be his secretary.


→ be worthy of + N

→ be worthy of trust 值得信任



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


III. worthwhile 的用法:be worthwhile/worthwhile N

  1. worthwhile意思是「值得的」。
  2. worthwhile是形容詞,放在名詞之前主詞補語用法。
  3. 搭配句型:


Michael works hard to make ends meet. He is making worthwhile efforts.

= Michael works hard to make ends meet. His effort is worthwhile.

(Michael努力工作以維持生計。 他正在做出有價值的努力。)

→ worthwhile + N,worthwhile放在名詞前

→ S be + worthwhile


Undoubtedly, it is worthwhile to spend time memorizing English words every day.


→ It is + worthwhile + to 做某事是值得的

→ worthwhile當主詞補語


It is worthwhile to spend time memorizing English words every day.


→ It is + worthwhile + to V 做某事是值得的


It is worthwhile for these basketball players to dedicate themselves to do much training every week.


→ It is + worthwhile + to V 做某事是值得的



IV. worth one’s while 的用法:

  1. worth one’s while意思是「某事值得某人花時間(或精力)的」。
  2. one’s為所有格,表示某人。
  3. 搭配句型:
  • It is worth one’s while to V 做某事對某人是值得的
  • It is worthwhile for sb to V 做某事對某人是值得的


It is worth your while to be a volunteer and help those in need.

= It is worthwhile for you to be a volunteer and help those in need.


→ It is worth one’s while to V

→ It is worthwhile for sb to V


It is worth Wendy’s while to listen to English programs on a daily basis.

= It is worthwhile for Wendy to listen to English programs on a daily basis.


→ It is worth one’s while to V

→ It is worthwhile for sb to V


V. pay off 的用法:

  1. pay off是動詞片語,意思是「得到好結果; 取得成功」。
  2. 可表達「最終是值得的」意思。

Don’t worry. Your effort will pay off in the end.

(不用擔心。 你的努力最終會得到回報。)


The coach demands all the baseball players copperate with each other, because teamwork will pay off in the end.



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