間接問句當主詞 或受詞|學間接問句一定要掌握的用法!

在前二篇學了間接問句wh- S V和由此省略的wh- to V的用法後,來接著學習 間接問句當主詞 或受詞的應用。

間接問句是名詞身份,wh- S V是名詞子句,而省略成wh- to V後是名詞片語,在基本屬性上都具有名詞的特性,可以當主詞或受詞。當主詞時接單數動詞,當受詞時則是前有動詞或介系詞。

學會這個後,就收集完間接問句的全部相關用法囉! 一起來學習吧!






  1. 像名詞一樣,間接問句可以當主詞
  2. 一個間接問句算一個名詞,因此接單數動詞。
  3. if引導的子句不能當主詞。

When the drought will end is the concern of everyone.


→ 間接問句when the drought will end當整句的主詞

→ 記得間接問句是wh- + S V的結構

→ 一個間接問句算一個名詞,接單數動詞

→ When will the drought end is the concern of everyone.


What Tina told you was a white lie.


→ 間接問句What Tina told you當整句的主詞

→ 記得間接問句是wh- + S V的結構

→ 一個間接問句算一個名詞,接單數動詞

What did Tina tell you was a white lie.



Whether to accept this job offer is up to Henry.


→ wh- S V 名詞片語當整句的主詞

→ 一個名詞片語算一個名詞,接單數動詞


How to eradicate the pandemic is the goal of medical scientists around the world.


→ How + S V 名詞片語當整句的主詞

→ 一個名詞片語算一個名詞,接單數動詞


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:



  1. 像名詞一樣,間接問句可以當動詞或介系詞的受詞
  2. if引導的子句可以當受詞。

 I know why many people enjoy watching mukbang videos.


→ 間接問句why many people enjoy watching mukbang videos當know的受詞

→ 記得間接問句是wh- + S V的結構

I know why do many people enjoy watching mukbang videos.


The girl wonders how animals don’t get lost after migrating for a long distance.


→ 間接問句how animals don’t get lost after migrating for a long distance當wonder的受詞

→ 記得間接問句是how + S V的結構

→ The girl wonders how don’t animals get lost after migrating for a long distance.


Can you tell me if Katherine is going to participate in the summer camp?


→ 間接問句if Katherine is going to participate in the summer camp當tell的受詞

→ if引導的間接問句可以當受詞,等於whether

→ Can you tell me if is Katherine going to participate in the summer camp?



Do you know where to find my cat?


→ 名詞片語where to find my cat當know的受詞


David wants to find out how to activate the growth of this plant.


→ 名詞片語how to activate the growth of this plant當find out的受詞



📜 間接問句相關用法特輯:



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