最高級 | 如何用比較級+any other/all the other表最高級?

除了 最高級 基本結構the adj/adv-est或the most + adj/adv、句型No other … than外,也可以用「比較級+ any other/all the other」來表示 最高級 。

此句型是「主詞比任何/所有其他的都…」,表示「主詞是最…的」,表示最高級的意思。要注意的是,any other + 單數名詞,all the other + 複數名詞。此用法限於同範圍對象的比較。

增加句型的變化絕對是學測、多益、英檢的寫作高分方法。一起來學習「比較級 + any other/all the other」表示最高級的句型吧!






最高級 的其他句型

  1. 本句型可以表示最高級的意思。
  2. any other + 單數名詞,all the other+複數名詞。
  3. 本句型可以和No other … than句型比較。


I. 比較級 + than + any other 單數N

  1. any other加單數名詞。
  2. 此用法限於同範圍對象的比較。


Taipei 101 Building is taller than any other building in Taiwan.


→ 101大樓和台灣的建築物比,是同範圍的比較

→ any other + 單數N

→ 等於 No other building in Taiwan is as tall as Taipei 101 Building.


The computer is more expensive than any other product in this store.


→ 這台電腦和商店的的提他產品比,是同範圍的比較

→ any other + 單數N

→ 等於 No other product in this store is more expensive than the computer.


Serena is taller than any other girl in her class.


→ Serena和班上的其他女孩比,是同範圍的比較

→ any other + 單數N

→ 等於 No other girl in Serena’s class is taller than she.


Joshua is faster than any other runner in the team.




The new smartphone has a longer battery life than any other device does on the market.



The museum has a larger collection of art than any other museum in the city.



Phil has more experience in this field than any other candidate.



This car offers better fuel efficiency than any other model in its class.



The company provides better customer service than any other company in the industry.



Rebecca has a higher IQ than any other person I know.



The hotel offers more luxurious accommodations than any other hotel in the area.




🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


II. 比較級 + than + all the other 複數N

  1. all the other加複數名詞。
  2. 此用法限於同範圍對象的比較。


The elephant is larger than all the other animals in this zoo.


→ 大象和這個動物園中的所有其他動物比,是同範圍的比較

→ all the other + 複數N

→ 等於 No other animal in this zoo is as large as the elephant.


This tomato soup is more delicious than all the other dishes served in this restaurant.


→ 這番茄湯跟這家餐廳供應的所有其他菜餚比,是同範圍的比較

→ all the other + 複數N

→ 等於 No other dish in this restaurant is more delicious than this tomato soup.


My father drives more carefully than all the other persons in my family.


→ 我爸爸跟我家裡所有其他人比,是同範圍的比較

→ all the other + 複數N

→ 等於 No other people in my family drives as carefully as my father.


Helena is more talented than all the other singers in the competition.


→ all the other + 複數N


This restaurant has better reviews than all the other eateries in the neighborhood.


→ all the other + 複數N



Jeremy is taller than all the other players on the basketball team.



The new laptop has faster processing speed than all the other computers in its price range.



The movie received more awards than all the other films in the festival.



She has more followers on social media than all the other influencers in her niche.



This car provides better mileage than all the other vehicles in its category.



✏️牛刀小試 [正解在本頁最後]

I. 翻譯練習

  1. 這男孩是全班最聰明的人。(… any other …)
  2. Sofia是全校最繪畫圖的學生。(… all the other …)
  3. 蜂蜜蛋糕嚐起來比這店裡的任何甜點都甜。

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  1. This boy is smarter than any other person in this class.
  2. Sofia draws better than all the other students in this school.
  3. The honey cake tastes sweeter than any other dessert in this shop.


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