【學測翻譯模擬練習】夯時事| 假新聞、假訊息篇 2


本篇來看「假新聞、假訊息篇 2」!隨著網路普及,假訊息、假新聞、充斥網路,大大影響我們的日常生活!這麼熱烈的議題當然是翻譯重點,與假訊息、假新聞相關的詞彙和句型一定要熟悉!

[假新聞、假訊息篇 1的連結在此。] 同場加映,學測翻譯模擬題全 懶人包

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學測英文翻譯練習: 假訊息、假新聞篇 2

1. 不可否認,近年來假新聞對人們生活的影響巨大到我們難以想像。

  • 練習:_____________
  • 解析
  1. 主要結構:S + V + SC
  2. 有「近年來」與「已經」,時態用現在完成式have pp
  3. 分析:不可否認,近年來[假新聞對人們生活的]影響已經(has been)巨大到我們難以想像。
  4. 詞彙:否認 deny,不可否認 There is no denying that + S + V,近年來 in recent years,假新聞 fake news,影響 effect (n)/impact (n)/influence (n),巨大的 enormous/great,難以 can hardly,想像 imagine
  5. 解答:

    There is no denying that the effect/impact/influence that fake news has produced on people’s lives is so enormous that we can hardly imagine it.

  6. 補充:

(1) 不可否認 There is no denying that + S + V:There is no V-ing= It is impossible to V表示「做…事不可能的」。

There is no denying that parents should shoulder the responsibility of educating their children.


→ There is no denying that + S + V表示「某事是不可否認的」,將某事放在that子句中表示。

(2) 關代引導形容詞子句修飾先行詞:本句的主詞是「影響」,用形容詞子句「假新聞對人們生活的」修飾先行詞,因此用which/that引導形容詞子句。(關代用法連結在此)

According the research, the impact which/that verbal abuse has on a person is beyond imagination.


關代引導形容詞子句which verbal abuse has on a person修飾先行詞the impact

(3) so + adj/adv + that + S + V:(程度)如此~以致於…,用於表示程度非常高,導致某事發生

Alan Turing was so intelligent that he successfully cracked the Enigma code.

(Alan Turing非常聰明,成功破解了Enigma密碼。)

→ be so intelligent that,如此聰明以致於




2. 這個現象起因於人們不易分辨真假訊息,因而不知情地分享給他人。

  • 練習:_____________
  • 解析
  1. 主要結構:S + V
  2. 「起因於」表示已經發生了,時態用過去簡單式
  3. 分析:這個現象起因於the fact [that人們不易分辨真假訊息,因而(and thus)不知情地分享給他人]。
  4. 詞彙:現象 phenomenon,起因於 result from,分辨A和B tell/distinguish A from B,真/假訊息 real/false messages,不知情地 unknowingly,和~分享 share sth with sb,他人 others
  5. 解答:

    This phenomenon resulted from the fact that it is not easy for people to tell real messages from false ones and thus share them with others unknowingly.

  6. 補充:

(1) 起因於:result from (比較:導致 lead to/bring about/give rise to/cause)

It is said that the woman’s disease resulted from malnutrition and the lack of exercise.


→ result from 起因於

(2) the fact that + S + Vthat引導名詞子句當同位語修飾the fact。result from後面必須加名詞,因此加上the fact當受詞,並將「人們…分享給他人」變成that引導的名詞子句,當同位語修飾that,以符合用法。(that引導名詞子句的連結在此)

The proposal that the elderly should get vaccinated as soon as possible is widely accepted.


→ that引導名詞子句the elderly should get vaccinated as soon as possible當the proposal的同位語

c. tell A from B:分辨A和B

It goes without saying that, by learning, children can tell right from wrong.


→ .tell right from wrong 分辨對錯

The twin sisters look so alike that I can’t tell one from the other.


→ .tell one from the other 分辨二人


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