【學測翻譯模擬練習】夯時事| 假新聞、假訊息篇 1


本篇來看「假新聞、假訊息篇 1」!隨著網路普及,假訊息、假新聞、充斥網路,大大影響我們的日常生活!這麼熱烈的議題當然是翻譯重點,與假訊息、假新聞相關的詞彙和句型一定要熟悉!

[假新聞、假訊息篇 2的連結在此。] 同場加映,學測翻譯模擬題全 懶人包




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學測翻譯 練習: 假訊息、假新聞篇 1

1. 隨著各種形式的社群媒體出現,每天閱讀網路訊息與新聞已經變成很多人的日常事務。

  • 練習:
  • 解析
  1. 主要結構:S + V + SC
  2. 有「已經」的意思,時態用現在完成式have pp
  3. 分析:隨著各種形式的社群媒體出現,[每天閱讀網路訊息與新聞]已經變成很多人的習慣
  4. 詞彙:形式 form,社群媒體 social media (複數名詞),出現 appearance (n.),網路 online,訊息 message,日常事務 routine
  5. 解答:

    With the appearance of various forms of social media, reading online messages and news every day has become many people’s routine/a routine for many people.

  6. 補充:

(1) 隨著:可用with+N翻譯,表示「附帶」。

With the approach of the college entrance exam, many students have reviewed all their lessons.


→ with + N表示附帶

b. 動名詞當主詞:「每天閱讀網路訊息與新聞」是動詞意思但位於主詞的位子,所以使用動名詞當主詞,搭配單數的動詞。(動名詞用法連結在此)

Listening to classical music helps James release his pressure from work.


→ 聽音樂是動詞意思但位於主詞的位子,所以使用動名詞當主詞Listening to classical music,搭配單數的動詞helps



2. 然而,我們很可能因為沒查證來源而相信或傳播假訊息,造成對自己健康與生活的傷害。

  • 練習:
  • 解析
  1. 主要結構:S + be
  2. 講述事實,時態用現在式
  3. 分析:然而,我們[很可能]為沒查證事實去相信假訊息,造成對自己健康或生活的傷害。
  4. 詞彙:然而 however/nevertheless/nonetheless,某事情很可能 It is likely that …,沒 without,查證 check,來源 source,傳播 spread,假訊息 false information [U],造成lead to/bring about/cause,傷害 harm
  5. 解答:

    However/Nevertheless/Nonetheless, it is likely that we believe or spread false information without checking the sources, causing harm to our health and life.

  6. 補充:

(1) 某事很可能:It is likely that + S + V,以likely修飾「事情」,所以搭配虛主詞,用It is … that的句型 (虛主詞it的連結在此)

It is likely that many people will be forced to take unpaid leave if the pandemic continues.


→ It is likely後面加主要子句S + V

(2) 沒…:without + V-ing

A group of young men ran into the museum without buying tickets first.


→ without + V-ing 沒有…

c. S + V.., and V = S + V.., V-ing 省略and的分詞構句:以and連接二句時,可以省略and,將第二個動詞改為分詞 (分詞構句的連結在此)

Many people discarded their face masks at will, leading to serious marine pollution problems.


→ … discarded… and led to = discarded…, leading to


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