虛主詞it 用法與句型 |如何避免頭重腳輕的句子?

在寫作或口語中,我們常會遇到主詞很長的句子,造成頭重腳輕的情況,讓閱讀或聽話起來不順暢,這時候可以用 虛主詞it 來避免。






虛主詞it 的用法

  1. 在使用時,英文會避免讓主詞太長,變成頭重腳輕的句子,造成失衡的感覺。這時候會用不含意思的虛主詞it代替真主詞,將真主詞移到最後面。
  2. 這種用法常見於主詞是名詞子句that + S + V或主詞是不定詞to V的情況。





I. It代替that子句:It is/V…+that+S+V

That the Earth revolves around the sun is true.

It is true that the Earth revolves around the sun.


💡 主詞是that引導的名詞子句,太長,將真主詞用虛主詞It取代,移到句子最後面


That Meg ate five hamburgers is surprising.

It is surprising that Meg ate five hamburgers.


💡 主詞是that引導的名詞子句,太長,將真主詞用虛主詞It取代,移到句子最後面


That the goat can count is fake news.

It is fake news that the goat can count.

(羊會算數是假新聞。 )



That the famous director got divorced shocked many people.

It shocked many people that the famous director got divorced.

(名導演離婚的事情震驚了很多人。 )


II. It代替不定詞to V:It is/V…+to V

To study English is fun.

It is fun to study English.


💡 主詞是to V引導的不定詞,太長,將真主詞用虛主詞It取代,移到句子最後面


To admit a mistake is not easy for most people.

It is not easy to admit a mistake.


💡 主詞是to V引導的不定詞,太長,將真主詞用虛主詞It取代,移到句子最後面


To prevent the contagious disease from spreading is the primary concern of the government.

It is the primary concern of the government to prevent the contagious disease from spreading.

(防止高傳染的疾病散播是政府的主要考量。 )

有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. ______ is interesting that colors can affect people’s appetite.
    (A) What
    (B) Which
    (C) It
    (D) That
  2. It  is understandable _______ all parents love their children.
    (A) what
    (B) to
    (C) that
    (D) which
  3. 每天運動十分鐘對你的健康有益。


1. C

2. C

3. It benefits your health to exercise for 10 minutes every day.


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