as if用法 |超多例句速學「彷彿」,表事實或假設

as if用法 表示「彷彿」等於as though,用於表示「覺得…好像是~情形」的意思,有二種含意,後面可以加「直說法」和「假設法」

當我們說「Luke說起話來彷彿他什麼都懂」的句子時,意思有二種。一種是我真心覺得Luke懂很多,表示真實的情形,as if/as though後面接一般時態;另一種是Luke事實上並非真的懂很多,只是說起話來貌似什麼都懂,表達與事實相反的情形,as if/as though後面接假設語氣。

一起來學習as if和as though的用法吧!

as if用法




as if用法 和as though

句型1:as if/as though + S + 一般時態(直說法)

  1. 如果說話者覺得「彷彿」是很可能為真,用直說法。
  2. 這情形時即是as if/as though後面接一般時態。


Mr. Wilkins is intelligent. He always talks as if/as though he knows everything.

(Mr. Wilkins很聰明,他說話的樣子彷彿他懂得每件事情。)

💡 前面有說Mr. Wilkins很聰明,他確實懂得很多事情,符合事實,不須用特殊時態


Kate kept coughing. She looked as if/as though she had a serious cold.


💡 從不停咳嗽的症狀看來,Kate很有可能重感冒,符合事實,不須用特殊時態


The smart-looking man speaks as if he knows everything.


💡 說話者認為很有可能是真實的事情,用直說法


The elegant lady behaves as though she owns the place.


💡 說話者認為很有可能是真實的事情,用直說法


They act as if they have never met before.



It looks as though it’s going to rain.


💡 說話者認為很有可能要下雨了,用直說法



The student talks as if he has all the answers.


💡 說話者認為很有可能是真實的事情,用直說法


The girl sings as though she has received proper training.


💡 說話者認為很有可能是真實的事情,用直說法


The child cries as if he is hurt.



They argue as if they are sworn enemies.



The dog barks as if it senses danger.



Peter looks at her as if he is in love.




🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


句型2: S + V1 + as if + S + V2 假設語氣(were/V-ed)

  1. 如果as if接續的事情不是事實,有二種用法。第一種是使用現在假設句型,第二種是使用過去假設句型,是依據as if子句和主要動詞的時間點比較。
  2. 當as if後的事情是事實相反,且V1和V2在同一個發生時間點時,用現在假設的句型。
  3. 動詞為were或V-ed


The patient doctor treats his patients as if/as though they were his family.


💡 事實上,病人不是醫生的親人,用現在假設的句型

💡 V2和V1是同一個時間點的事情,用were


The actress performed as if/as though she were a professional dancer.


💡 事實上,演員並不是專業舞者,用現在假設的句型

💡 V2和V1同一個時間點,用V-ed


Julia talks as if she were a famous actress.


💡 事實上,演員並不是專業舞者,用現在假設的句型

💡 V2和V1同一個時間點,用V-ed


They behave as if they were the owners of the company.


→ as if後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2和V1同一個時間點,用V-ed


The wind blew fiercely, as if it were trying to knock down everything in its path.


→ as if後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2和V1同一個時間點,用V-ed



The actor performed his lines with such passion, as though he were reliving the character’s emotions.


→ as though後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2和V1同一個時間點,用V-ed


The storm raged outside, as if it wanted to tear the house apart.


→ as though後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2和V1同一個時間點,用V-ed


The professor explained the complex theory with such clarity, as if he were speaking to a room full of experts.


→ as if後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2和V1同一個時間點,用V-ed


The child clung to his mother tightly, as if he were afraid of being separated from her.


→ as if後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2和V1同一個時間點,用V-ed


The girl sang with such a beautiful voice, as though she were an angel from heaven.




句型3:S + V1 + as if + S + V2假設語氣(had pp)

  1. 如果as if接續的事情不是事實,有二種用法。第一種是使用現在假設句型,第二種是使用過去假設句型,是依據as if子句和主要動詞的時間點比較。
  2. 當as if後的事情是事實相反,且V2比V1早發生已經發生持續一段時間,用過去假設(had pp)來表示
  3. 動詞為had pp


The meal was so delicious that I ate a lot. I felt as if/as though I had eaten a horse.


💡 我並非真的吃下一匹馬,用假設法

💡 V2比V1早發生,用had pp


The baseball player sweated a lot. She smelled as if/as though she had not taken a shower for a week.


💡 事實上,籃球員並非真的一週沒洗澡,與過去相反

💡 V2持續一段時間,用had pp


My brother acts as though he had won the lottery.


💡 V2比V1早發生,用had pp


The building is new, but it looks as though it had been abandoned for years.


→ 言下之意是as though後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2持續一段時間,用had pp


The child cried loudly as though he had lost his favorite toy.


→ 言下之意是as though後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2表示已經發生,用had pp



The car sounds as if it had been repaired, despite being brand new.


→ 言下之意是as if後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2比V1早發生,用had pp


He looks at his girlfriend as though he had never seen such a beautiful lady.


→ 言下之意是as though後非事實,用假設法


The house stood empty and abandoned, as if it had been forgotten by time.


→ 言下之意是as if後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2表示已經發生,用had pp


The boy looked at the ice cream longingly, as if he had never tasted anything so delicious before.


→ 言下之意是as if後非事實,用假設法


The old book smelled musty, as if it had been stored in a damp cellar for years.


→ 言下之意是as if後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2表示已經發生,用had pp


The dog wagged its tail excitedly, as if it had just found its long-lost owner.


→ 言下之意是as if後非事實,用假設法

💡 V2表示已經發生,用had pp


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:

✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. Mia had a nightmare and screamed. She looked as if she ________ a real monster.
    (A) has seen
    (B) sees
    (C) saw
    (D) had seen
  2. The child always talks as if he ________ an adult.
    (A) had been
    (B) were
    (C) is
    (D) was
  3. Be careful when you walk down the ladder. The picture hanging above looks as if it _______ going to fall.
    (A) was
    (B) is
    (C) were
    (D) had been
  4. 她唱歌的樣子彷彿她在一個盛大的舞台上。(as if)
  5. 他說話的口吻彷彿他是這個國家的總統。(as if)
  6. 他們爭吵的態度彷彿他們是死對頭。(as though)


📜 假設語氣相關用法連結:

📜 多益文法相關連結:


📜 歷年指考作文題目與寫作提示:

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📜 歷年指考英文 翻譯 連結:

📜 大考英文翻譯練習連結:

📜 英文字首相關用法特輯:

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 學測必背片語 特輯:

📜 表示程度和結果的用法特輯:

📜 間接問句相關用法特輯:

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 與 倒裝句 相關的連結

📜 被動語態的相關連結:

📜 歷年學測作文題目與寫作提示:

  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. She sings as if she were on a grand stage.
  5. He speaks as if he were the president of the country.
  6. They argue as though they were sworn enemies.


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