關係副詞和關係代名詞 的差別|從後面的字串判斷

關係副詞和關係代名詞 的差別是什麼?







關係副詞和關係代名詞 的比較


  1. 關係代名詞是代名詞,當形容詞子句的主詞或受詞,有佔形容詞句子的結構位子,因此關代後面是接不完整子句(也就是說, 關代+ V+O 或 關代 +S+ V)。
  2. 關係副詞則是副詞,不佔形容詞子句的位,因此關係副詞後面是接完整子句(也就是說,關副+S+V/+O)。


關係副詞和關係代名詞 例句

John intends to visit Zhanghua, which is his girlfriend’s hometown.


which (當主詞) + 不完整子句


Kenting, which we visited a year ago, is a paradise for many people.


which (當關係子句的受詞) + 不完整子句


John intends to visit Zhanghua, where his girlfriend lives.


where (當副詞) + 完整子句


We must avoid polluting the ocean, where many marine animals live.


where (當副詞) + 完整子句

→ = We must avoid polluting the ocean, which many marine animals in.

→ = We must avoid polluting the ocean, in which many marine animals.


This is the year which Sally was born in.


which (當in的受詞) + 不完整子句

→ This is the year when Sally was born.

→ This is the year in which Sally was born.


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✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. The KFC is the restaurant _______ the Hiddlestons visit regularly.
    (A) , that
    (B) where
    (C) in which
    (D) which
  2. A cozy home is a place ________ most people feel relaxed and can do anything at will.
    (A) why
    (B) when
    (C) where
    (D) which
  3. March 10 is the day ________ Mary and her bosom friends reunite to celebrate their friendship.
    (A) which
    (B) when
    (C) why
    (D) where

📜 關係詞的用法連結:


1. D

2. C

3. B


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