with+O+OC 表附帶狀況|用「超多例句」秒學讓寫作衝分的終極句型!

with + O + OC  (with+受詞+受詞補語)的用法表示「附帶的狀況」,是非常好用的句型,可以套用在多種情境,不管寫什麼主題的文章都可以幫你加分,而且在多益英檢學測指考中都是高頻出現的重點。

with + O + OC的學習重點是決定受詞補語的型態,OC可以是介系詞片語、形容詞、現在分詞V-ing、過去分詞pp,要從意思、O與OC間的關係判斷。

一起來學習with + O + OC的用法吧!

with + O + OC




with + O + OC的句型

  1. 在開始讀這篇前,可以先複習分詞的概念現在分詞的形成法、過去分詞規則變化不規則變化,以便更好掌握句型的使用喔!
  2. 另外,也可以搭配分詞構句分詞片語的章節,將分詞句型一次收集,是作文閱卷老師的最愛!
  3. with+O+OC的句型(with+受詞+受詞補語)表示「附帶的狀況」,學習重點在於決定OC用什麼型態。
  4. OC可以是介系詞片語、形容詞、現在分詞V-ing、過去分詞pp。


表位置:with + O + 介系詞片語

  1. 表示O在的地點或位置可以用with + O + 介系詞片語。

The young man walked cheerfully with his hand in his pocket.


→ 附帶表示「手插在口袋裡」

→ with + O + 介系詞片語


The children were playing in the room with their shoes outside the room.


→ 附帶表示「鞋子在房間外面」

→ with + O + 介系詞片語


The speaker addressed the audience with a microphone in hand.


→ 附帶表示「演講者手持麥克風」

→ with + O + 介系詞片語


The old lady looked at the picture with tears in her eyes.


→ 附帶表示「眼裡含淚」

→ with + O + 介系詞片語


The students greeted the teacher with smiles on their faces.


→ 附帶表示「面帶微笑」

→ with + O + 介系詞片語


The actress accepted the award with gratitude in her heart.


→ 附帶表示「感激在心裡」

→ with + O + 介系詞片語


The chef served the dish with a sprinkle of herbs on top.


→ 附帶表示「在菜餚上灑上一些香草」

→ with + O + 介系詞片語


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


表狀態:with + O + 形容詞

  1. 當表示受詞的狀態時,OC用形容詞,以修飾受詞。注意不要寫成副詞或被動pp喔!
  2. 須特別留意「瞬間性」的動詞open (v), die, marry等,因為動詞特性是「瞬間」就完成,如果要表示「延續的狀態」,必須改為形容詞 open (adj), dead, married。with+O+OC的句型,表示的是狀態,因此這類瞬間性動詞都必須用形容詞形。


After her training, the exhausted player fell asleep with her mouth open.


→ (X) After her training, the exhausted player fell asleep with her mouth opened.

→ open修飾her mouth的狀態,必須用形容詞


Maria is using the bug spray in the room with many cockroaches dead.


→ dead是形容詞,修飾cockroaches的狀態

→ (X) Maria is using the bug spray in the room with many cockroaches died.

→ die是瞬間性動詞,如果要表示「狀態」,不可用died,必須用形容詞dead


Diana looked at him with her eyes full of love.


→ full是形容詞,修飾her eyes的狀態

→ with + O + 形容詞


With the guests all seated, the host began to serve the food.


→ seated是形容詞,修飾the guests的狀態

→ with + O + 形容詞


The car drove with its headlights on.


→ on是形容詞,修飾the headlights的狀態

→ with + O + 形容詞


The hungry child ate with his mouth full of food.


→ on是形容詞,修飾the headlights的狀態

→ with + O + 形容詞



表主動:with + O + V-ing

  1. 當受詞O與補語OC之間是主動關係時,OC用現在分詞V-ing
  2. 有些無法控制的動作事情當成主動關係,用V-ing,例如人體無法控制的自然反應、自然界的事物。
  3. 當受詞是有自主性的,像大腦自己下命令,用V-ing。
  4. 注意一些常用於修飾事物,但表示主動的字rise(上漲)、roar(飆升)、blow(飄著)、fall/drop(數字下降)、hang (垂吊)、play (音樂播放)等、stand/sit/lie (座落於)。
  5. 當結構是受詞O1+分詞+O2,因為必須接O2,儘管O1是四肢五官,動詞也轉成V-ing型。


My neighbor Alison is talking with an old man with her dog running around.


→ dog和run是主動關係,必須用running

→ (X) My neighbor Alison is talking with an old man with her dog run around.


The hungry girl was looking at the delicious cake with her mouth watering.

(這飢餓的女孩看著好吃的蛋糕,流著口水。 )

→ 流口水是無法控制的動作,是主動意義,用V-ing watering

→ (X) The hungry girl was looking at the delicious cake with her mouth watered.


To cook a quick meal, the chef is chopping the vegetable with the water running.


→ 水流是無法控制的動作,用V-ing running

→  (X) To cook a quick meal, the chef is chopping the vegetable with the water ran.


The country is suffering an economic downturn with the number of newborn babies dropping.


→ 數字受到事情影響而下降,數字下降用主動V-ing dropping

→ (X) The country is suffering an economy downturn with the number of newborn babies dropped.



The secretary typed the document with his fingers flying over the keyboard.


→ 手指飛快打字用V-ing flying

→ with + O + V-ing


With the sun shining brightly, the flowers in the garden looked even more beautiful.


→ 「太陽照耀」是自然界情況,無法控制,為主動意義,用V-ing shining

→ with + O + V-ing


With the wind blowing fiercely, the trees swayed back and forth.


→ 「風刮」是自然界情況,無法控制,為主動意義,用V-ing blowing

→ with + O + V-ing


With the music playing softly in the background, she began to relax.


→ 「音樂播放」用play的主動概念,用V-ing playing。這是固定用法,要另外背誦。

→ with + O + V-ing



表被動:with + O + pp

  1. 當受詞O與補語OC之間是被動關係時,OC用過去分詞pp
  2. 當受詞是表示四肢或五官的字時,因為是受到大腦命令,屬於被動概念,用pp表示。
  1. 但當受詞是有自主性的,像大腦自己下命令,屬於主動概念,用V-ing。
  2. 當結構是受詞O1+分詞+O2,因為必須接O2,儘管O1是四肢五官,動詞也轉成V-ing型。


The studious student is burning the midnight oil, studying with books piled on his desk.


→ book和pile是被動關係,必須用piled

→ with + O + pp

→ (X) The studious student is studying with books piling on his desk.


Furious with his messy room, Johnny’s mother is shouting at him with her arms crossed.


→ arms等四肢五官的名詞,表示被大腦命令做事,用crossed

→ with + O + pp

→ (X) Furious with his messy room, Johnny’s mother is shouting at him with her arms crossing.

→ 其他常用的四肢、五官名詞還有eyes, legs, fingers等


Feeling cold, Ryan went to bed with all the windows closed.


→ 「窗戶被關」是被動的概念,用pp形closed

→ with + O + pp

→ (X) Feeling cold, Ryan went to bed with all the windows close.

→ close也是形容詞,但是是「親密的」意思


The man was listening to the music with his eyes closed.


→ 受詞是eyes,屬於四肢五官名詞,表示「閉著眼」用被動的概念,用pp形closed

→ with + O + pp


The girl slept with her bedroom door closed.


→ 「門被關」是被動的概念,用pp形closed

→ with + O + pp


With his arms crossed, the boss looked sternly at the employees.


→ arms等四肢五官的名詞,表示被大腦命令做事,用crossed

→ with + O + pp


With the project completed, the team felt a sense of accomplishment.


→ 「項目被完成」是被動的概念,用pp形completed

→ with + O + pp


With the door locked, Fiona felt safe and secure inside.


→ 「門被鎖上」是被動的概念,用pp形locked

→ with + O + pp



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


[比較] with + 四肢五官名詞 +V-ing

  1. 表示人體的「四肢五官」類名詞在with + O + OC中通常是搭配被動的用法,OC用過去分詞。
  2. 但是如果名詞是head (頭部),屬於「主動」下命令的部位,採用的是主動意義,OC用V-ing。
  3. 如果with+受詞+動詞後面還有接另一個受詞,也會造成OC要用V-ing,因為如果是pp就無法再接受詞了。

The mechanic is watching Ted fixing the scooter with his head nodding.


→ head是下命令的部位,用V-ing形nodding

→ (X) The mechanic is watching Ted fixing the scooter with his head nodded.


Mr. Fang was watching his favorite TV show with his hand holding the remote control.


→ 結構是受詞O1+分詞+O2,因為要接第二個受詞,動詞必須用現在分詞V-ing

→ (X) Mr. Fang was watching his favorite TV show with his hand held the remote control.


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:

📜 分詞相關句型連結


✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. The melancholy lady is reading the novel with her tears _______ down her cheeks.
    (A) roll
    (B) rolled
    (C) rolling
    (D) to roll
  2. Before the plane landed, all the passengers sat still with their seat belts _______.
    (A) fastening
    (B) fastened
    (C) to fasten
    (D) fastens
  3. Gina was looking at the magnificent scenery with her mouth ______.
    (A) opens
    (B) opened
    (C) open
    (D) opening
  4. 這緊張的參賽者正在演講,他的雙腿發抖。

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. The nervous participant is making a speech with his legs shaking.


📜 英文字首相關用法特輯:

📜 多益文法相關連結:


📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 學測必背片語 特輯:

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📜 表示程度和結果的用法特輯:

📜 間接問句相關用法特輯:

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 與 倒裝句 相關的連結

📜 被動語態的相關連結:

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