find,leave,keep +O+OC 以豐富例句用法大解密 |寫作必備!

find,leave, keep 這三個動詞的意思分別是「發現受詞在某狀態」或「發現受詞是…」、「聽任受詞處於某狀態」、「讓受詞保持某狀態」,它們的共同特色是在受詞後會需要補語補充說明受詞,句型是 find,leave, keep+O+OC 所以受詞補語是可以形容狀態的形容詞、分詞、名詞和表示位置的介系詞。注意,這三個動詞不可用副詞修飾喔。

find,leave, keep +O+OC 這個句型是學測指考、多益、英檢高頻出現的用法,也是寫作的高分句型。學起來,奪分超easy的啦!一起來收集keep,leave,find的4種用法吧!

(延伸閱讀:被動用法be found/left/kept + O + OC)





find,leave, keep+O+OC 的用法

  1. keep意思是「使…保持某狀態」、leave是「使…處於某狀態」、find是「發現…在某狀態」,需要受詞補語才能讓意思完整。
  2. OC受詞補語可以是形容詞現在分詞(O與OC是主動關係)過去分詞(O與OC是被動關係)表示位置的介系詞片語
  3. 注意,這三個動詞不可用副詞修飾。
  4. 補語的概念連結在此


I. find,leave, keep +O+adj

  1. 受詞補語是形容詞,說明受詞的狀態。表示狀態用形容詞
  2. 特別留意這些字是形容詞用法:seated(坐著的)、aged(幾歲的)、situated (位於的)、located (位於的)
  3. 注意,在此句型中,遇到無法表示維持的瞬間性動詞,像open(打開)、close(關閉)、die(死亡)等,必須使用該字的形容詞open(開著的)closed (關著的)dead(死的)


Don’t keep your mouth full of food.


→ 表示mouth的狀態,用形容詞full(充滿的)


The mayor’s comment on the event left all the journalists speechless.


→ 表示journalists的狀態,用形容詞speechless(無語的)


Susan sweated a lot, so she had to leave the window open at night.


→ 表示window的狀態,用形容詞open(開著的),不能用opened,open是瞬間動詞,只能用形容詞open表示維持


After using the bug spray, Mrs. Smith found many cockroaches dead behind the closet.


→ 表示cockroaches的狀態用形容詞dead(死的)


I found the book incredibly inspiring, leaving me with a newfound passion for writing.


→ find + O + adj (inspiring)


Melissa found her job intellectually stimulating, keeping her mind engaged and constantly learning.


→ find + O + adj (stimulating)


My friends found the movie emotionally gripping, leaving them pondering its profound message for days.


→ find + O + adj (stimulating)

→ leave + O + V-ing (pondering)


These young men kept their dreams alive through perseverance and hard work, achieving success against all odds.


→ keep + O + adj (alive)


II. find,leave, keep + O + V-ing

  1. 受詞補語可以用分詞,分詞有形容詞的功能。
  2. 當O與OC是主動關係時用現在分詞
  3. 注意以下特殊用法:(分詞的用法連結在此)


To do the work, the worker had to keep the machine running for 20 hours a day.

(為了完成這項工作,工人必須讓機器每天運行 20 個小時。)

→ 受詞是the machine,與「運轉」是主動關係,使用running


The busy woman had no choice but to leave her child crying for a while.


→ 受詞是her child,與「哭」是主動關係,使用crying


Smelling the bread, the homeless woman found her mouth watering.


→ 受詞是her mouth,「流口水」是無法控制的動作,屬於主動關係,使用watering


Joanne found some water dripping from the leaky roof.


→ 受詞是some water,「滴水」是無法控制的動作,屬於主動關係,使用dripping




We kept the conversation flowing by sharing stories and experiences from our travels around the world.


→ 受詞是the conversation,與「順利進行」是主動關係,使用flowing


The parents left their children singing and dancing, carrying the joyous atmosphere with them.


→ 受詞是the children,與「唱歌跳舞」是主動關係,使用singing and dancing


They left the exchange students exploring the rich culture of the counry and immersing themselves in the local traditions.


→ 受詞是the exchange students,與「探索、沉浸」是主動關係,使用exploring, immersing


The boss found the clerk working diligently, feeling greatly delighted.


→ 受詞是the clerk,與「工作」是主動關係,使用working



III. find,leave, keep + O +pp

  1. 受詞補語可以用分詞,分詞有形容詞的功能。
  2. 當O與OC是被動關係時用過去分詞
  3. 注意以下特殊用法:(分詞的用法連結在此)


It is important to keep the facilities on campus maintained well.


→ 受詞是facilities,與「保持」是被動關係,使用maintained


Juan never likes to do the housework, always leaving his clothes unfolded.


→ 受詞是clothes,與「未折」是被動關係,使用unfolded


Ray was surprised to find so many ants killed in one night.

(Ray驚訝地發現一夜之間這麼多螞蟻被殺死了。 )

→ 受詞是ants,與「殺」是被動關係,使用killed



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


She kept the secret locked tightly within herself, fearing the consequences of its revelation.


→ 受詞是the secrets,與「封存」是被動關係,使用locked


We kept the house beautifully decorated, maintaining its warm and inviting atmosphere.


→ 受詞是the house,與「裝飾」是被動關係,使用decorated


Mr. Wang left his car parked on the street, keeping it vulnerable to potential theft.


→ 受詞是his car,與「park」是被動關係,使用parked



IV. find,leave, keep + O +介系詞片語

  1. 受詞補語可以用代表位置的介系詞片語
  2. 受詞與介系詞片語之間不需要再加動詞。

The lady carefully kept her jewelry in a treasure chest.

(這位女士小心翼翼地將她的珠寶放在寶箱裡。 )

→ 受詞是her jewelry,受詞補語是in a treasure chest


According to the law, parents can’t leave their children at home without anyone around.

(根據法律規定,父母不能在無人陪伴的情況下將孩子留在家中。 )

→ 受詞是their children,受詞補語是at home


Finding his wedding ring under the table, Jason felt relieved.


→ 受詞是his wedding ring,受詞補語是under the table



被動:be found/left/kept + OC

  1. 當keep, leave, find被用在被動語態時,不影響受詞補語,OC仍然必須維持型態,即保持是形容詞、現在分詞、過去分詞、介系詞片語
  2. 這個用法是許多考試的高頻題,務必要牢記。
  3. 此用法與be made + OC的句型相同。(使役動詞的用法連結在此)

The patient is kept alive with a respirator.


→ 原句是The doctor keeps the patient alive with a respirator. 受詞補語是alive,改成被動語態後仍然維持alive


Seeing the amazing performance, all the audience were left stunned.


→ 原句是The amazing performance left all the audience stunned. 受詞補語是stunned,改成被動語態後仍然是stunned


To everyone’s surprise, a large  piece of luggage was found unattended.


→ 原句是Someone found a large piece of luggage unattended. 受詞補語是unattended,改成被動語態後仍然是unattended


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:

✏️牛刀小試 [正解在文章最後]

  1. The girl was so careless that she kept the water _______ for half an hour.
    (A) to run
    (B) ran
    (C) running
    (D) run
  2. The pharaoh’s tomb was buried under the ground, so it _________.
    (A) left untouch
    (B) was left untouched
    (C) was left touching
    (D) left touch
  3. 這極佳的表演讓觀眾的心中仍然迴盪著那令人激動的音樂,心跳不已。(leave+O+OC)
  4. 到達停車場後,Lucy很驚訝地發現車子被偷了。(find+O+OC)
  5. 她通過定期練習瑜伽和參與各種戶外活動來保持身體健康。(keep+O+OC)
  6. 他們通過不斷學習新技能,並以智力追求挑戰自己,保持思維敏捷和活躍。(keep+O+OC)

📜 多益文法相關連結:


📜 歷年學測作文題目與寫作提示:

📜 歷年指考作文題目與寫作提示:

📜 歷年學測 翻譯 連結

📜 歷年指考英文 翻譯 連結:

📜 大考英文翻譯練習連結:

📜 英文字首相關用法特輯:

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 學測必背片語 特輯:

📜 假設語氣相關用法連結:

📜 表示程度和結果的用法特輯:

📜 間接問句相關用法特輯:

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 與 倒裝句 相關的連結

📜 被動語態的相關連結:


1. C

2. B

3.  The amazing performance left the audience’s hearts pounding with the electrifying music that resonated in their souls.

4. After getting to the parking lot, Lucy  was surprised to find her car stolen.

5. She keeps her body fit and healthy by regularly practicing yoga and engaging in various outdoor activities.

6. They keep their minds sharp and active by constantly learning new skills and challenging themselves with intellectual pursuits.




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