未來進行式 will be V-ing |豐富例句拆解秒懂「將會正在」用法!

未來進行式 怎麼用呢?未來式 (will) 表示將來發生的事情,而進行式 (be V-ing)的基本定義是動作正在進行、事情正發生。

未來進行式 (future progressive) 的句型就是結合未來式和進行式,結構是「未來+進行」will + be V-ing,用來表示「未來某時間將會正在進行的動作」或「未來某個動作發生時,另一個將會正在進行的動作」,使用的時候要注意時間與動作的判斷。







未來進行式 的結構: will + be V-ing

  1. 未來進行式的基本結構是「will + be V-ing」,V-ing即是現在分詞型態。
  2. 這類要特殊的動詞變化規則,請見現在分詞的動詞變化說明。


未來進行式 的用法

I. 未來某時間將會正在進行的動作

  1. 此用法中,常與表示未來的時間副詞tomorrow, this weekend, next week等字一起用。
  2. 而且通常會指出明確的未來時間點


The factory owner and the residents will be having a meeting about the factory waste at 1 o’clock tomorrow.


→ at 1 o’clock tomorrow表示明天1:00的時間點將會正在進行的動作,用未來進行式will be V-ing


Mr. Pitt will be interviewing the applicants to his company at 2:30 this Friday.


→ at 2:30 this Friday表示週五2:30的時間點將會正在進行的動作,用未來進行式will be V-ing


The construction workers will be pouring concrete for the foundation at 9 a.m. tomorrow.


→ at 9 a.m. tomorrow表示明天早上9點時將會正在進行的動作,用未來進行式will be V-ing


The chef will be cooking a gourmet meal for the guests at the wedding reception on Saturday evening.


→ 從on Saturday evening得知,有明確的時間點,表示星期六將會正在進行的動作,用未來進行式will be V-ing


The team will be practicing their dance routine for the upcoming competition all day tomorrow.




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🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

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The musicians will be rehearsing for their concert at the music hall every evening this week.



The athletes will be training at the stadium for the upcoming championship event all month.



The gardeners will be pruning the trees and shrubs in the park at noon next week.



The athletes will be warming up on the track before the start of the race tomorrow.



The bakers will be kneading the dough and preparing the pastries early in the morning.



II. 未來某個動作發生時,另一個將會正在進行的動作

  1. 此用法中,有二個未來的動作,一個用簡單式(代替未來式),另一個用未來進行式,表示未來某個動作發生時,另一個動作將會正在發生。
  2. 注意,記得從屬子句要用現在式代替未來。此用法請見未來簡單式的說明。


When my new neighbor comes at 6:00 tomorrow, I will be telling her about our neighborhood.


→ 由文意得知,未來某事發生時,另一件事情將會正在發生,用未來進行式。注意,記得從屬子句要用現在式代替未來comes


When the football game begins at 9:00 this Saturday, all the audience will be screaming and cheering.


→ 由文意得知,某事發生時,另一件事情將正在發生,用未來進行式。注意,記得從屬子句要用現在式代替未來begins


When the guests arrive later tonight, the band will be playing music in the background.



When the teacher gives a lecture in class, the students will be taking notes.



When the movie starts in 10 minutes, the audience will be sitting in their seats.



有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


When the bell rings, the students will be packing their bags to leave school.



As the bus pulls up at the stop, passengers will be getting on board.



As soon as the doors open, attendees will be entering the conference hall.



When the clock strikes midnight, fireworks will be lighting up the sky.



When the lights go out, the musicians will be playing in complete darkness.




✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. All the fans of Shane Filan __________ him sing in his concert at 7:30 this Saturday.
    (A) have listened to
    (B) were listening
    (C) will be listening to
    (D) listenced
  2. When Derek ________ his work tonight, we will be celebrating for his promotion.
    (A) will finish
    (B) finishes
    (C) finished
    (D) is finishing
  3. When the manager enters the office at 11:00, the employees _________ their thoughts about the new product.
    (A) will share
    (B) will be sharing
    (C) have shared
    (B) were sharing

📜 動詞時態的用法連結:

📜 多益文法相關連結:


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📜 歷年學測 翻譯 連結

📜 歷年指考英文 翻譯 連結:

📜 大考英文翻譯練習連結:

📜 英文字首相關用法特輯:

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 學測必背片語 特輯:

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📜 表示程度和結果的用法特輯:

📜 間接問句相關用法特輯:

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:


1. C

2. B

3. B


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