be found /left/kept +OC |超多例句秒學find,leave,keep的被動!

be found / left/kept + OC 是常用的句型,從find/leave/keep + O + OC變來。

這個句型重點在OC的使用。因為find, leave, keep這三個字都有將受詞發現、遺留、保持在某狀態的意思,因此,和主動形一樣,OC必須是使用有表示狀態意義的形容詞、現在分詞、過去分詞、介系詞片語。


一起來看看吧!(延伸閱讀: 分詞的用法)

be found+OC




be found /left/kept + OC用法

  1. find,leave, keep 的意思分別是「發現受詞在某狀態」或「發現受詞是…」、「聽任受詞處於某狀態」、「讓受詞保持某狀態」。這三個動詞的特色是後面會加受詞受詞補語。受詞補語可以是形容詞、現在分詞、過去分詞、介系詞片語句型是find/leave/keep + O + OC
  2. 當keep, leave, find被用在被動語態時,不影響受詞補語,OC仍然必須維持型態,即受詞補語是形容詞、現在分詞、過去分詞、介系詞片語
  3. 這個用法是許多考試的高頻題,務必要牢記。注意,這幾個動詞的OC不是副詞喔!
  4. 此用法與be made + OC的句型相同。(使役動詞的用法連結在此)


be found + OC的說明&例句

  1. 意思是「被發現…」。
  2. OC = 形容詞、現在分詞、過去分詞、介系詞片語

To everyone’s surprise, a large  piece of luggage was found unattended.


→ 原句是Someone found a large piece of luggage unattended. 受詞補語是unattended,改成被動語態後仍然是unattended

→ OC是被動型態unattended


The students were found attentive and well-prepared for the exam.


→ 原句是The teacher found her students attentive and well-prepared for the exam.

→ OC是形容詞attentive和well-prepared


The steak was found perfectly cooked to medium-rare.


→ 原句是The chef found the steak perfectly cooked to medium-rare.

→ OC是被動形cooked


The missing keys were found hidden under a pile of books on the bookshelf.


→ 鑰匙是「被藏」,因此OC是被動形cooked


The rare artifact was found buried deep in the ancient tomb, revealing insights into a long-lost civilization.


→ 文物是「被埋藏」,因此OC是被動形buried


The missing cat was found hiding in the attic, relieved to be reunited with its owner.


→ 貓是「主動躲藏」,因此OC是V-ing形hiding



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


The stolen painting was found intact in a secret compartment, restoring hope to its owner.


→ 畫作被發現是「完好無缺的」的狀態,因此OC是形容詞intact


The missing document was found misfiled in a different folder, causing confusion and delays.


→ 文件是「被錯誤歸檔」,因此OC是被動形misfiled


The long-lost relative was unexpectedly found living in a remote village, bringing joy to the entire family.


→ 親戚「被發現在某地生活」,生活是主動意義,因此OC是V-ing形living


The missing piece of evidence was finally found buried among old case files, leading to a breakthrough in the investigation.



The misplaced passport was found tucked inside a jacket pocket, relieving the traveler’s anxiety.




be left + OC的說明&例句

  1. 意思是「被遺留在…狀態」。
  2. OC = 形容詞、現在分詞、過去分詞、介系詞片語

Seeing the amazing performance, all the audience were left stunned.


→ 原句是The amazing performance left all the audience stunned. 受詞補語是stunned,改成被動語態後仍然是stunned


The confidential documents were left unattended on the desk, posing a serious security risk.


→ 文件被遺留在「被無人看管」的狀態,OC用被動形unattended


The injured hiker was left stranded on the mountain until rescue teams arrived.


→ 健行的人被遺留在山上「被困住」的狀態,OC用被動形stranded


The abandoned puppy was left shivering in the cold rain, desperately seeking shelter.


→ 小狗被遺留在山上,呈現「發抖」的狀態,發抖是主動意義,OC用V-ing形shivering


The broken-down car was left abandoned on the side of the highway, causing a traffic jam.


→ 汽車被遺留在公路上,呈現「被拋棄」的狀態,OC用被動形abandoned


The unfinished painting was left untouched for years, gathering dust in the artist’s studio.


→ 畫作被遺留,呈現「沒被碰觸」的狀態,OC用被動形untouched



The forgotten manuscript was left hidden in the attic, waiting to be discovered by future generations.



The abandoned factory was left serving as a haunting reminder of the town’s once-thriving industrial past.



The unanswered question was left hanging in the air, leaving the audience in suspense.



The old abandoned house was left decaying in the middle of the overgrown field.



be keft + OC的說明&例句

  1. 意思是「被保持在…狀態」。
  2. OC = 形容詞、現在分詞、過去分詞、介系詞片語

The patient is kept alive with a respirator.


→ 原句是The doctor keeps the patient alive with a respirator. 受詞補語是alive,改成被動語態後仍然維持alive


The ancient manuscripts, filled with wisdom and knowledge, are kept intact in the archive room of the museum.


→ 畫作被保持「完好無缺」的狀態,OC用形容詞intact


The secret recipe, passed down through generations, is kept hidden in a secret compartment of the old cookbook.


→ 秘方「被藏在」的狀態,OC用形容詞intact


The confidential files, containing sensitive information, are kept strictly confidential in a restricted-access room.


→ be kept + adj


The historical artifacts, discovered during the archaeological excavation, are kept preserved in a climate-controlled museum gallery.


→ be kept + pp


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


The rare book collection, consisting of first editions and limited prints, is kept in a temperature-controlled archival library for preservation.


→ be kept + 介係詞片語


The fragile glassware, delicate and easily breakable, is kept stored in padded boxes to prevent any damage.


→ be kept + pp


The valuable antique paintings, renowned works of art, are kept securely displayed in a high-security museum wing.


→ be kept + pp


The endangered species, rescued from illegal wildlife trade, are kept in a specially designed conservation center for their protection and rehabilitation.


→ be kept + 介係詞片語


The old photographs, capturing precious memories of past generations, are kept organized in archival albums for future generations to cherish.


→ be kept + pp


(110學測) The study warned that Papua’s glaciers are only the “first to go” if greenhouse gases are ___30____ and temperatures continue rising. And this is certainly a serious warning about the depressing fate of other glaciers around the world.
30. (A) kept balanced (B) made released (C) seen dismissed (D) left unchecked


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