所有格代名詞用法 |用表格3分學會mine,yours比較

所有格代名詞用法 是什麼呢?

所有格代名詞是代替「人稱代名詞的所有格 + 名詞」,具備有二者的功能,表示所屬、又兼有代名詞的屬性。









  1. 所有格代名詞等於「人稱代名詞的所有格 + 名詞」,詞性是屬於代名詞。
  2. 使用時機是某名詞在前面已經出現過,後面是「所有格+該名詞」時,就可用所有格代名詞表示。
  3. 注意,所有格是屬於形容詞,不能單獨存在。



  1. 公式:所有格代名詞 = 所有格+「s」,例如yours (你的東西; 你們的東西)、hers (她的東西)、theirs (他們的東西)。
  2. 例外:mine (我的東西)、his (他的東西)、its (牠的東西)。
  3. 名詞的所有格代名詞:名詞所有格+ -‘s,例如the boy’s name (男孩的名字)、the children’s education (孩子們的教育)。
  4. 專有名詞的所有格代名詞:「專有名詞所有格+ ‘s」即可變成所有格代名詞,例如Mary’s (Mary的東西)、Peter’s (Peter的東西)。


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This isn’t Elaine’s notebook; it’s mine.

(這不是Elaine的筆記本; 這是我的。)

→ mine = my notebook


My parents won’t attend the graduation ceremony, but hers will.


→ hers = her parents


We will drive our car to  the shopping mall, and Mr. and Mrs. Wright will drive theirs.

(我們會開車去購物中心,Wright 夫婦會開他們的車。)

→ theirs = their car


Your hair is longer than Mary’s.


→ Mary’s = Mary’s hair


Is this mug yours? I found it on the table, but I wasn’t sure.


→ yours = your mug


The sweater is hers, but she said I could borrow it for the party tonight.


→ hers = her sweater


I need to buy a new phone, but I don’t know if I should get an iPhone like his or a Samsung like hers.

(我需要買一部新手機,但我不知道是應該買像他的 iPhone 還是像她的 Samsung。)

→ his = his iPhone; hers = her Samsung


Our iPad is in the shop for repair, so we’re borrowing theirs until we can get it fixed.


→ theirs = their iPad


His hair is longer than mine, but I think mine is thicker.


→ mine = my hair


He told me that his watch was more expensive than mine, but I didn’t believe him until I saw it.


→ mine = my watch



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


The books on the desk are hers, but the ones on the shelf are ours.


→ hers = her books; ours = our books

→ (X) The books on the desk are her, but the ones on the shelf are our.


I can’t believe that you forgot your passport again, especially after I reminded Joseph to bring his.


→ his = his passport


Our team is much stronger than theirs, so we should be able to win the championship this year.


→ theirs = their team


The house at the end of the street is his, and the one next to it is hers, but they both look the same to me.


→ his = his house; hers = her house


Our dog is so much smaller than theirs, but it has just as much energy and enthusiasm. Whenever we take it to the park, it runs around like crazy, chasing after squirrels and playing with other dogs. Theirs, on the other hand, is content to just sit by their feet and watch the world go by.




✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. Daisy’s children are taller than ________.
    (A) their
    (B) them
    (C) there
    (D) theirs
  2. Chloe’s eyes are smaller than _______.
    (A) his
    (B) him
    (C) he
    (D) he’s
  3. 你們的房子比我們的大。


1. (D)

2. (A)

3. Your house is larger than ours.


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