情緒形容詞 |超完整動詞轉化+介系詞表格,讓感受更生動!

情緒形容詞 有哪些?情緒形容詞如何從情緒動詞轉變而成?情緒形容詞後面要加那些介系詞?

情緒動詞,例如interest (使感興趣)、excite (使興奮),surprise (使吃驚) 等,是用來描述人們的情感或感受,通常用於描繪人物內心狀態,使文本更具有情感色彩,增強讀者的共鳴感,幫助讀者更好地理解故事或文本中的情感。


  1. 「V-ing」表示「讓人覺得…」,因此常用於修飾「」,但某些字也可以修飾人。
  2. 「-ed」表示「某人感覺…」,因此常用於修飾「」,此用法常會搭配介系詞,需要另外背誦。





情緒形容詞 說明

情緒形容詞 如何從情緒動詞轉化

  • 有些表示情緒或感覺的動詞可以轉化成分詞修飾名詞,掌握的重點是從分詞開始。



  1. 「V-ing」表示「讓人覺得…」,因此常用於修飾「」,但某些字也可以修飾人。
  2. 代表主動意義、或表示正在進行的動作
  3. 分詞也可以當作形容詞,放在名詞之前修飾名詞。
  4. 要秒懂分詞的這個用法,最重要的就是判斷主動與被動。
  5. V-ing表示主動或進行的意義,pp表示被動或完成的意義。



過去分詞 (p.p.):

  1. 「-ed」表示「某人感覺…」,因此常用於修飾「」,此用法常會搭配介系詞,需要另外背誦。
  2. 代表被動意義、或表示已經完成的動作。
  3. 這類的情緒形容詞後面會加上特定的介系詞,需要特別背誦。


情緒形容詞 表格大全

  • 情緒形容詞表1


  • 情緒形容詞表2

  • 情緒形容詞表3

  • 情緒形容詞表4

原形動詞現在分詞 (令人感覺…)過去分詞 (某人感覺…)
excite (使刺激)excitingexcited + about
interest (使有興趣)interestinginterested + in
bore (使無聊)boringbored + with
satisfy (使滿意)satisfyingsatisfied + with
disappoint (使失望)disappointingdisappointed + at
confuse (使困惑)confusingconfused + about
worry (使擔心)worryingworried + about
surprise (使驚訝)surprisingsurprised + at
shock (使震驚)shockingshocked + at
scare (使驚嚇)scaryscared + of
horrify (使害怕)horrifyinghorrified + by
frighten (使害怕)frighteningfrightened + of
terrify (使害怕)terrifyingterrified + of
astonish (使驚訝)astonishingastonished + at
touch (使感動)touchingtouched + by
amaze (使驚訝)amazingamazed + at
amuse (使歡樂)amusingamused + at
depress (使沮喪)depressingdepressed + about
frustrate (使挫折)frustratingfrustrated + with
tire (使疲倦)tiringtired + of
exhaust (使疲累)exhaustingexhausted+ by
embarrass (使尷尬)embarrassingembarrassed + about



情緒形容詞 例句

She was very interested in learning about different cultures.



He seemed interested in what she was saying.



The book I’m reading is really interesting.



The movie we saw last night was very interesting.



She was so excited to go on her first trip to Europe.



He was excited to try the new restaurant in town.



The roller coaster ride was so exciting!



The sports game was really exciting to watch.



有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


She was surprised to see her old friend at the party.



He was surprised by the unexpected gift.



The news of their engagement was surprising to everyone.



The outcome of the game was surprising, given how the teams were matched.



She was terrified of flying and refused to get on the plane.



He was terrified when he saw the huge spider crawling towards him.



The horror movie was so terrifying that she couldn’t sleep that night.



The idea of jumping out of a plane was terrifying to him.



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