fall adj |什麼?! fall可加形容詞表示「變成」?!

fall adj 是什麼用法?fall除了當「掉落」的意思外,還可以有「變成」的意思,表示成為某種狀態。



(同場加映:go adj的用法)




I. fall adj 用法

  1. fall可以當「變成」的意思,表示成為某種狀態。
  2. 在此用法中,fall類似連綴動詞,可直接加形容詞。
  3. 常用的搭配有”fall asleep(入睡),fall silent(變得寂靜),fall ill(生病)


II. 例句

After a long day at work, he quickly fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


→ fall alseep 睡著


As the soothing music played, the baby gradually fell asleep in her mother’s arms.


→ fall alseep 睡著


The tired hiker found a comfortable spot under a tree and soon fell asleep.


→ fall alseep 睡著


The room fell silent as the professor entered, waiting for him to begin the lecture.


→ fall silent 變得寂靜


The audience fell silent in anticipation of the performer’s first note.


→ fall silent 變得寂靜


As the teacher raised her hand, the noisy classroom quickly fell silent.



Serena suddenly fell ill with a high fever and had to stay in bed for a few days.


→ fall ill 變得生病


After eating the spoiled food, he fell ill and experienced severe stomach pain.


→ fall ill 變得生病


Despite taking precautions, she still fell ill with the flu and had to take time off work.


→ fall ill 變得生病



The economy fell stagnant, with no signs of growth.



The relationship fell distant after the long-distance move.



The sky fell dark as the storm clouds rolled in.



The patient’s condition fell critical overnight.



The party atmosphere fell festive as more guests arrived.



The mood in the room fell somber after the bad news.



The market value of the company fell low after the scandal.



His voice fell soft as he whispered in her ear.



The atmosphere in the room fell tense during the argument.



The city fell quiet as the snow started to fall.




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