turn out 表示出乎意料的結果|後面接續哪些用法?

turn out 是什麼意思呢?turn out意思是「結果是」或「最後是…」,用於表示事情的最後結果,通常帶有出乎意料的意思。

在使用時,要注意turn out後面要加什麼樣的接續。


一起來看看吧!(延伸閱讀:end up的用法)




turn out 用法

  1. 意思:「結果是」、「 最後是…」。
  2. 情境:用於描述一個事情或狀況的最終結果,而這個結果通常是出乎意料的。
  3. 詞性:動詞片語。
  4. 後面要接不定詞(to V)或that引導的名詞子句
  5. 注意,這片語可接續好或不好的結果,重點是它表示意外的結果。
  6. 可和end up的用法做比較。
  7. 例句:


句型1:turn out + to V

  1. turn out後面接不定詞(to V)

The movie turned out to be a huge success, earning millions of dollars in the first week.


→ turn out + to be


We thought the party would be a disaster, but it turned out to be a lot of fun.


→ turn out + to be


The weather turned out to be worse than expected, and it rained all day.



The party turned out really well, with lots of people showing up and having a great time.



The new restaurant turned out to be a huge disappointment, with terrible food and service.



Despite our best efforts, the project turned out to be a complete failure.




句型2:turn out + that S V

  1. turn out後面可以接名詞子句that S V
  2. 在這用法中,常用到虛主詞it


I thought I had lost my wallet, but it turned out that I left it at work.


→ turn out + that S V

→ 用it當主詞


He seemed really nice at first, but it turned out that he was just pretending.


→ turn out + that S V


We were worried about the weather, but it turned out that the sun was shining all day.



I was convinced I had failed the exam, but it turned out that I got an A.

(我本來以為我考試不及格,但後來發現我得了 A 等級。)


They thought they were renting a nice apartment, but it turned out that it was infested with cockroaches.




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