soon和early的分辨 |2分鐘學會,不再混淆了!

soon和early的分辨 有哪些?這二個字常常被混淆,除了分辨意思之外,還有搭配字也需要區分喔!


和as … as possible的句型使用時,各是什麼意思?







  1. 副詞
  2. 意思:不久; 快、早
  3. 意義:(1) 表示從說話此時後不久的將來; (2) 表示時間上的快
  4. 用法:常用於未來式
  5. 例句:


I will finish my work soon.


→ soon表示不久後的將來


We need to leave soon, or we’ll miss the bus.


→ soon表示不久後的將來


The restaurant will close soon, so we should order now.


→ soon表示不久後的將來


She will graduate from college soon.


→ 從說話的點往後算,不久後的將來


The doctor will see you soon.


→ 從說話的點往後算,不久後的將來


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  1. 副詞或形容詞
  2. 意思:早; 早期
  3. 意義:表示某事發生是接近談論的特定時間,意即表示在比談論的時間點早發生
  4. 用法:依據上下文,可使用過去式或未來式
  5. 例句:


I woke up early this morning.


→ early表示比特定時間早一點發生


Can we meet early tomorrow?


→ early表示在特定時間tomorrow中,早一點發生的事情


He likes to go for a run early in the morning.


→ early表示在特定時間in the morning中,早一點發生的事情


We need to get to the airport early to catch our flight.



I’m an early bird, I like to wake up before sunrise.





  1. as soon as possible:盡快; 盡早
  2. sooner or later:遲早
  3. soon-to-be:很快將會


We will complete this report as soon as possible.


→ as soon as possible意思是「盡快」

→ as … as possible = as … as one can 盡可能…


The young man will have to look for a job sooner or later.


→ sooner or later意思是「遲早」


This young man is one of our soon-to-be employees.


→ soon-to-be是「很快將會」的意思




  1. early morning:一大早
  2. early bird:早起的人
  3. early days:初期; 早期
  4. as early as possible:盡早


We have to leave for the airport in the early morning.



It is true that the early bird catches the worm.



I remember when I first started learning how to play guitar, and those were the early days of my musical journey.



We need to complete this contract as early as possible.


→ as early as possible意思是「盡早」


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