想要的英文 |不再只用I want to,搭配豐富例句掌握11種用法!

想要的英文 有哪些?一般常會先想到用want表示「想要」。但是,常常使用I want會讓用法和文字比較單調,而且有時候表達不出層次感。


本篇將介紹除了want之外,還可用would like to、feel like、hope、wish、desire、long、be dying、aspire、crave、yearn等表示想要的用法。

需要特別注意的是,表示「想要」的動詞都是後面接不定詞to V,但是feel like是加V-ing喔!






想要的英文 |表示「想要」的字詞

I. 想要類

want to V

  1. 意思:想要
  2. 解釋:表示對某事的一般渴望或需求。
  3. 例句:

I want to learn how to play the guitar.



She wants to travel to Japan next summer.



Do you want to join us for dinner tonight?



They want to adopt a rescue dog.



We want to make a positive impact on the community.



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would like to V

  1. 意思:想要
  2. 解釋:比 “want to” 更禮貌和委婉,通常用於正式場合。
  3. 例句:

I would like to request a day off next week.



Would you like to try the new restaurant downtown?



She would like to express her gratitude to everyone.



We would like to invite you to our wedding.



They would like to discuss the project in more detail.



feel like V-ing

  1. 意思: 想要; 意欲
  2. 解釋: 表示一種想要、渴望或願意的感覺。
  3. 用法:注意,和其他想要類的動詞不同,feel like後面加V-ing。like當介系詞用。
  4. 例句:

I feel like going for a walk in the park.


→ feel like + V-ing


Do you feel like having pizza for dinner tonight?


→ feel like + V-ing


She felt like watching a movie, so we went to the cinema.


→ feel like + V-ing


After studying for hours, I feel like taking a break.



They feel like traveling to a tropical island for their vacation.



II. 希望類

hope to V

  1. 中文:希望
  2. 解釋:表達對未來某事的樂觀預期,有一定的信心。
  3. 例句:

We hope to see you at the event next week.



She hopes to travel the world someday.



They hope to raise awareness about environmental issues.



I hope to learn a new language in the coming year.



The team hopes to achieve victory in the upcoming tournament.




wish to V

  1. 中文:希望
  2. 解釋:表達對未來某事的良好期望。
  3. 例句:

I wish to express my sincere apologies for the mistake.



She wishes to visit her grandparents during the summer break.



We wish to create a positive and inclusive work environment.



They wish to contribute to the community through volunteer work.



He wishes to pursue further studies in the field of science.


III. 渴望類

desire to V

  1. 中文:渴望
  2. 意思:較正式的表達方式,強調強烈的欲望。
  3. 例句:

He desires to achieve success in his career.



The team members share a common desire to win the championship.



She desires to learn motivated her to enroll in the course.



Their mutual desire to make a difference brought them together.



The artist’ desire to create meaningful art is evident in every piece.




🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


long to V

  1. 中文: 渴望做某事
  2. 解釋: 表示對某事物有一種強烈的渴望或憧憬,通常帶有深刻且持久的渴望感。
  3. 例句:

Employees long to participate in team-building activities to strengthen their bonds.



The students long to showcase their talents in the upcoming school talent show.



Nature enthusiasts long to explore the untouched beauty of remote wilderness areas.



The artist longs to create meaningful artworks that resonate with viewers.



The community longs to establish a sustainable recycling program for environmental conservation.



be bying to V

  1. 中文: 渴望極了做某事
  2. 解釋: 表示對某事物感到極度渴望或焦急,強調一種加強的迫切感或熱切期待。
  3. 用法:這用法固定用進行式be dying的形式。
  4. 例句:

Jane is dying to learn new dance moves for the upcoming dance competition.



The team is dying to implement innovative strategies for business growth.



Adventure seekers are dying to embark on a thrilling expedition to uncharted territories.



The chef is dying to experiment with unique ingredients to create a signature dish.



The volunteers are dying to make a positive impact on the community through their service.




aspire to V

  1. 中文:渴望、立志
  2. 解釋:表示對於更高目標或理想的追求,通常與個人成長和事業有關。
  3. 例句:


Samantha aspires to become a successful entrepreneur.



Many young artists aspire to exhibit their work in prestigious galleries.



The students aspire to excel in their academic pursuits.



Hank aspires to make a positive impact on society through his charitable work.



Aspiring to be a professional athlete, Eric dedicates hours to training every day.



crave to V

  1. 中文:渴望、迫切希望
  2. 解釋:強調對某事的迫切渴望,常用於描述對感官或享樂的強烈欲望。
  3. 例句:

Megan craves to explore different cultures and travel the world.



The artist craves to express emotions through powerful and meaningful paintings.



After a long day at work, he craves to relax with a good book and a cup of tea.



The adventurer craves to conquer new heights and explore uncharted territories.



Some people crave to be recognized for their achievements and contributions.



yearn to V

  1. 中文:渴望
  2. 解釋:強調對於某事或某人的深切渴望,通常帶有感情色彩。
  3. 例句:


She yearns to visit the place where her ancestors lived to connect with her roots.



As an aspiring musician, he yearns to perform on the grand stage and share his music with the world.



The explorer yearns to discover new species in the untouched wilderness.



Despite facing challenges, the athlete yearns to break records and achieve greatness in sports.



Many people yearn to find true love and build a meaningful connection with a life partner.



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