rather than 用法 |和instead of有什麼差別?
rather than 用法 意思是「而不是」,常當作對等連接詞用。在這用法中,rather than放在句子中間時,連接相同詞性的字詞。放在句首時,連接的是要與主要子句動詞對等的字,常是原形動詞。稍後搭配例子更好理解喔!
rather than也可以當作介系詞,放在句首,後面接V-ing。
常被拿來和instead of做比較,rather than是很常見的用法,一定要好好學起來。
rather than 用法
rather than當連接詞
- 意思是「而不是」。
- 當對等連接詞時,放在句子中間,連接相同詞性的字詞。
- 注意,rather than後面的動詞型態是取決於前面動詞,必須和前面動詞用一樣的形。
Mom bought some fruit rather than vegetable.
→ rather than連接二個名詞:fruit和vegetable
Jenny’s boyfriend is generous rather than stingy.
→ rather than連接二個形容詞:generous和stingy
Benjamin and his family will go to the museum by bus rather than by the MRT.
→ rather than連接二個介系詞片語:by bus和by the MRT
Mr. Chen decided to accept his colleague’s idea rather than refuse it.
→ rather than連接二個動詞片語
→ 從語意看,refuse是與accept對等,因此同樣使用原形
Finally, Cindy made up her mind rather than changed her mind.
→ rather than連接二個動詞片語made up her mind和changed her mind
→ 從語意看,made是與changed對等,因此同樣使用過去式
My sister prefers hiking rather than swimming during the summer.
→ rather than連接二個動名詞
He chose to invest in stocks rather than bonds for higher returns.
→ rather than連接二個動名詞
She enjoys reading mystery novels rather than watching crime shows on TV.
→ rather than連接二個動名詞
The company decided to expand its operations overseas rather than focus solely on the domestic market.
→ rather than連接二個原形的動詞片語
John prefers to eat at home rather than dine out at restaurants.
Sarah decided to pursue a career in art rather than medicine, following her passion.
The company focuses on sustainable practices rather than pursuing short-term profits.
Jack spends his free time playing the guitar rather than watching television.
I prefer to travel by train rather than by plane because I enjoy the scenic views.
🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。
🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。
🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。
rather than在句首
- 意思是「沒… 而是」。
- rather than可以放在句首,連接的是和主要動詞對等的字,可以用原形動詞或動名詞。
Rather than walking home alone, Chris had a friend’s company.
→ rather than置於句首時,後面可以接動名詞V-ing
Rather than cooking a big meal, my mom ordered some food through a food delivery platform.
→ rather than置於句首時,後面可以接動名詞V-ing
Rather than take the firefighter’s rescue for granted, the survivor kept expressing his gratitude.
→ rather than置於句首時,後面可以接原形動詞
Rather than complain about the problem, let’s work together to find a solution.
→ rather than置於句首時,後面可以接原形動詞
Rather than waste time worrying, I prefer to take action and solve the issue.
→ rather than置於句首時,後面可以接原形動詞
Rather than give up, she persevered and eventually achieved her goal.
→ rather than置於句首時,後面可以接原形動詞
Rather than blame others, he takes responsibility for his own mistakes.
→ rather than置於句首時,後面可以接原形動詞
Rather than rely on luck, it’s better to rely on hard work and preparation.
Rather than follow the crowd, she prefers to think for herself and make her own decisions.
Rather than complain about the weather, let’s make the most of it and enjoy the outdoors.
Rather than focus on material possessions, George values experiences and personal growth.
Rather than take the easy way out, Rebecca chose the path of challenge and self-improvement.
Rather than argue, let’s have a calm and respectful discussion to resolve the disagreement.
rather than和instead of比較
- 相同處:意思都是「而不是」,都可當連接詞。
- 不同處:rather than當對等連接詞時,連接相同詞性的字詞。instead of是介系詞,後面接名詞或V-ing。
The chef added some garlic rather than lemon to make the soup taste better.
= The chef added some garlic instead of lemon to make the soup taste better.
→ rather than連接二個名詞garlic和lemon
→ instead of連接二個名詞garlic和lemon
We will visit grandma rather than go shopping this Saturday.
= We will visit grandma instead of going shopping this Saturday.
→ rather than連接二個動詞visit和go,二者為相同型態
→ instead of連接二個動詞,of後面必須接V-ing型態
Derek enjoys playing basketball rather than playing soccer.
= Derek enjoys playing basketball instead of playing soccer.
Julia decided to go for a walk in the park rather than go to the gym.
= Julia decided to go for a walk in the park instead of going to the gym.
They prefer to eat at home rather than eat out at restaurants.
= They prefer to eat at home instead of eating out at restaurants.
Johnny decided to save money rather than spend it on unnecessary things.
= Johnny decided to save money instead of spending it on unnecessary things.
✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]
- The brave boy plucked up his courage to speak _______ felt afraid.
(A) not to
(B) but not
(C) rather than
(D) instead of - _______ called it a day, the workers continued the work.
(A) Instead of
(B) Rather than
(C) Instead
(D) While - 這個沙發看起來很舒服而不是時尚。
有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:
- 「全新制50次多益滿分的怪物講師TOEIC多益閱讀攻略+模擬試題+解析(2書)」,整理常考文法、講解清楚,99個攻略,搭配新多益閱讀題與答題秘訣,大推!
- 「全新制20次多益滿分的怪物講師TOEIC多益單字+文法」,這本著重在單字,將文法融入在例句裡,提供不同的學習方式!
📜 多益文法相關連結:
📜 歷年指考作文題目與寫作提示:
- 【懶人包】指考歷年110-102英文作文題目
- 圖表作文:圖表作文必備字彙、句型模版、介紹公式
- 110指考作文題目+寫作提示:全英語授課
- 109指考作文題目+寫作提示:校園安全
- 108指考作文題目+寫作提示:新聞關注圖表作文
- 107指考作文題目+寫作提示:舉辦社區活動
- 106指考作文題目+寫作提示:寂寞時刻
- 105指考作文題目+寫作提示:碩士清潔隊員滿街跑
- 104指考作文題目+寫作提示:指導別人學習
- 103指考作文題目+寫作提示:時間分配圖表作文
- 102指考作文題目+寫作提示:科技產品二選一
📜 歷年學測 翻譯 連結:
- 學測翻譯作答技巧
- 112學測翻譯:避免戰爭、確保和平
- 111學測翻譯:飼養寵物
- 110學測試辦翻譯:克服怯場
- 110學測翻譯:用路人安全
- 109學測翻譯:交友
- 108學測翻譯:高鐵
- 107學測翻譯:颱風
- 106學測翻譯:玉山
- 105學測翻譯:新世代年輕人
- 104學測翻譯:成功的企業
- 103學測翻譯:年輕人返鄉
- 102學測翻譯:高房價
📜 歷年指考英文 翻譯 連結:
- 指考翻譯作答技巧
- 110指考翻譯:不正常天氣
- 109指考翻譯:博物館
- 108指考翻譯:夜市創意布條
- 107指考翻譯:快速時尚
- 106指考翻譯:世大運
- 105指考翻譯:傳染病
- 104指考翻譯:便利商店
- 103指考翻譯:健康問題
- 102指考翻譯:課外活動
📜 大考英文翻譯練習連結:
📜 英文字首相關用法特輯:
📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:
- ★ 112學測高頻必背單字整理
- 112學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 111學測高頻必背單字整理
- 111學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 110試辦學測高頻必背單字整理
- 110試辦學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 110學測高頻必背單字整理
- 110學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 109學測高頻必背單字整理
- 109學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 108學測高頻必背單字整理
- 108學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 107學測高頻必背單字整理
- 107學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 110指考高頻必背單字整理
- 110指考必背單字測驗
- ★ 109指考高頻必背單字整理
- 109指考必背單字測驗
- ★ 108指考高頻必背單字整理
- 108指考必背單字練習
📜 學測必背片語 特輯:
- 學測必背片語系列1
- 學測必背片語系列2
- 學測必背片語系列3
- 學測必背片語系列4
- 學測必背片語系列5
- 學測必背片語系列6
- 學測必背片語系列7
- 學測必背片語系列8
- 學測必背片語系列9
- 學測必背片語系列10
- 學測必背片語系列11
- 111學測考古片語
- 110學測考古片語
- 109學測考古片語
📜 假設語氣相關用法連結:
📜 表示程度和結果的用法特輯:
- so + adj/adv + that S V (如此...以致於)
- such + adj N + that S V (如此...以致於)
- too + adj/adv + to V (太...而不能)
- adj/adv + enough + to V (夠...而可以)
📜 間接問句相關用法特輯:
📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:
- ★ 112學測高頻必背單字整理
- 112學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 111學測高頻必背單字整理
- 111學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 110試辦學測高頻必背單字整理
- 110試辦學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 110學測高頻必背單字整理
- 110學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 109學測高頻必背單字整理
- 109學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 108學測高頻必背單字整理
- 108學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 107學測高頻必背單字整理
- 107學測必背單字測驗
- ★ 110指考高頻必背單字整理
- 110指考必背單字測驗
- ★ 109指考高頻必背單字整理
- 109指考必背單字測驗
- ★ 108指考高頻必背單字整理
- 108指考必背單字練習
📜 與 倒裝句 相關的連結
📜 被動語態的相關連結:
📜 歷年學測作文題目與寫作提示:
- 【懶人包】學測歷年112-102英文作文題目
- 圖表作文:圖表作文必備字彙、句型模版、介紹公式
- 如何增加英文作文字數?段落擴寫的方法
- 英文作文開頭範例 |五大作文開頭模板
- 112學測作文題目 + 寫作提示:表情符號。圖片作文
- 111學測作文題目 + 寫作提示:公園特色。圖片作文
- 110學測試辦作文題目+寫作提示:乾旱缺水。圖片作文
- 110學測作文題目+寫作提示:踩踏花海。圖片作文
- 109學測作文題目+寫作提示:百貨週年慶。圖片作文
- 108學測作文題目+寫作提示:主題「臺灣驕傲」
- 107學測作文題目+寫作提示:主題「大排長龍」
- 106學測作文題目+寫作提示:景點排隊。連環圖片
- 105學測作文題目+寫作提示:主題「家事分工」
- 104學測作文題目+寫作提示:主題「閱讀書籍 二選一」
1. (C)
2. (B)
3. This sofa looks comfortable rather than stylish.