strike a balance 取得平衡 |加什麼介系詞?豐富例句快速掌握

strike a balance 是翻譯和寫作的常客,意思是「取得平衡」,表示在不同的事情、需求或利益之間取得平衡或折衷,以達到最佳的結果。







strike a balance 用法

  1. 意思:取得平衡
  2. 意義:不同的事情、需求或利益之間取得平衡或折衷,以達到最佳的結果。
  3. 用法:strike a balance between A and B,A和B必須是相同的詞性
  4. strike的三態:strike, struck, struck
  5. 例句:


It is of the utmost importance for students to strike a balance between their studies and extracrricular activities.



In order to maintain a healthy work-life balance, it is important to strike a balance between your personal and professional commitments.


→ strike a balance between A and B,A和B都是名詞


As a parent, it’s important to strike a balance between being supportive and giving your child enough space to learn and grow.


→ strike a balance between A and B,A和B都是動名詞


The government needs to strike a balance between protecting citizens’ privacy and ensuring national security.


→ strike a balance between A and B,A和B都是動名詞


In any negotiation, it is essential to strike a balance between your own interests and the interests of the other party.



To maintain a healthy diet, it is important to strike a balance between eating nutritious foods and allowing yourself the occasional indulgence.



When planning a vacation, it’s important to strike a balance between relaxation and exploration.



As a teacher, I consider it essential to strike a balance between being strict and being approachable to your students.


→ 在A和B之間取得平衡,A和B都是動名詞

→ it是虛受詞



In order to be successful in business, you need to strike a balance between taking risks and being cautious.


→ 在A和B之間取得平衡,A和B都是動名詞


A good relationship requires both partners to strike a balance between their individual needs and the needs of the relationship as a whole.



In order to stay fit, it’s important to strike a balance between cardio exercises and strength training.



When it comes to managing a team, it’s important to strike a balance between being authoritative and being collaborative.



In order to be a successful writer, you need to strike a balance between being creative and being disciplined.



When you design a product, it’s important to strike a balance between functionality and aesthetics.



In order to have a fulfilling social life, it’s important to strike a balance between spending time with friends and family and pursuing your own interests.


→ 在A和B之間取得平衡,A和B都是動名詞



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