road safety |行人地獄、讓路、道路安全相關字彙與例句

road safety 道路安全是大眾都在談論的議題。自從混亂的交通情況讓台灣被國外媒體報導成行人地獄後,近來引起很大的注意,並讓政府公佈更嚴格的道路安全法規。


本篇提供行人地獄、讓路、道路安全相關字彙與例句,讓你看完就學會road safety道路安全的相關用語!




road safety 道路安全相關用語-1

pedestrian (n) 行人

Pedestrian crossings are designed to ensure the safety of people crossing the road.



The city council is planning to improve pedestrian safety by building more sidewalks and crosswalks.



a living hell for pedestrians (n) 行人地獄

  1. hell (n) 地獄
  2. 也可說 a pedestrian hell

Reckless drivers and motorists have made the big city a living hell for pedestrians.



The lack of sidewalks and designated walking areas has made walking in this city a living hell for pedestrians.



road safety (n) 道路安全

  1. safety (n) 安全; safe (adj) 安全

Road safety is everyone’s responsibility and requires the cooperation of drivers, pedestrians, and authorities to maintain a safe environment for all road users.



Road safety is everyone’s responsibility, and we should all follow traffic rules to avoid accidents.



cross the crosswalk  穿越人行道

  1. cross (v) 穿越
  2. crosswalk (n) 人行道; zebra crossing (n) 斑馬線, 行人穿越道

Before crossing the crosswalk, always remember to check for oncoming cars to ensure your safety.



Before you cross the crosswalk, make sure there are no cars coming from either direction.



yield to pedestrians 讓路給行人

  1. yield (v) 禮讓
  2. give way to 讓路

As a responsible driver, it is important to yield to pedestrians and give them priority when crossing the street.



Drivers should always yield to pedestrians, especially in busy areas like school zones and residential areas.




raise motorists’ awareness 提高機車騎士的意識

  1. raise (v) 提高
  2. awareness (n) 意識

To raise motorists’ awareness of road safety, campaigns and education programs should be organized to promote safe driving practices.



The government is working to raise motorists’ awareness of the importance of road safety through public education campaigns.



traffic accidents (n) 車禍

  1. traffic accidents = car accidents

Traffic accidents can be avoided if all road users follow traffic regulations and practice safe driving habits.



Traffic accidents can be caused by many factors, such as speeding, distracted driving, and poor road conditions.



road safety 道路安全相關用語-2

maintain road safety 維護道路安全

  1. maintain (v) 維護

To maintain road safety, regular maintenance of the road infrastructure and continuous education on safe driving practices are necessary.



To maintain road safety, it is important to keep the roads in good condition, enforce traffic laws, and educate the public on safe driving practices.



traffic regulations 交通規則

  1. regulation (n) 規則; 法規
  2. rule (n) 規則

Traffic regulations exist to ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic and should be followed by all road users.



Traffic regulations, such as speed limits and traffic signals, are in place to keep drivers and pedestrians safe on the roads.




penalty (n) 罰款

  1. fine (n) (v) 罰金; 罰款

Penalties on motorists who violate traffic regulations are necessary to ensure accountability and deter risky driving behaviors.



Motorists who violate traffic laws may face penalties, such as fines, license suspension, or even imprisonment.



If you violate the traffic laws, you may be fined or have your driver’s license suspended.



curb risky driving  限制危險駕駛

  1. curb (v) 抑制

The government plans to curb risky driving by implementing stricter traffic regulations.



To reduce accidents, the government has implemented stricter measures to curb risky driving behavior.



come into force  生效

  1. come into force = come into effect

The new traffic regulations will come into force next month.



commit the violation 犯了違規行為

  1. commit (v) 犯(罪)
  2. violation (n) 違反; violate (v) 違反

The risky driver committed a serious traffic violation and was fined heavily.



yield at crosswalks 在人行道讓路

It is important to yield at crosswalks to ensure the safety of pedestrians.




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