字尾-al可當名詞 |不是只當形容詞,來用豐富例子學習吧!


字尾-al 大多是形容詞,例如musical (adj) 音樂的、magical (adj) 魔法的、cultural (adj) 文化的、historical (adj) 歷史的。

你知道字尾-al並不僅僅限定於形容詞的用法,還有 字尾-al可當名詞 喔!





字尾-al可當名詞 I

  • arrival (n) 到達:

The arrival of the international flight was delayed due to adverse weather conditions.


→ 字尾-al可當名詞

→ arrive是動詞,改成-al結尾後,就成為名詞


The arrival of the new manager brought a fresh perspective to the team.



  • revival (n) 復甦:

The revival of interest in traditional crafts has led to a resurgence of artisanal products.



  • survival (n) 生存:

The ability to adapt is crucial for the survival of species in changing environments.



The adaptation of certain species is crucial for their survival in changing ecosystems.



  • proposal (n) 提議:

The proposal to implement flexible working hours received unanimous approval from the team.



The proposal for a new recreational park was met with enthusiasm by the local community.



  • disposal (n) 處置:

Proper disposal of electronic waste is essential to prevent environmental pollution.



Waste disposal methods must adhere to environmental regulations to minimize ecological impact.




  • approval (n) 批准:

The project received official approval after a thorough review by the regulatory authorities.



  • removal (n) 移除:

The removal of graffiti from public spaces requires community cooperation.



  • denial (n) 否認:

His denial of any wrongdoing only increased suspicion among his colleagues.



The suspect’s continued denial of involvement hindered the progress of the investigation.



  • trial (n) 試驗:

The pharmaceutical company conducted a clinical trial to test the effectiveness of the new drug.



  • burial (n) 埋葬:

Traditional burial practices vary across cultures and religions.




  • refusal (n) 拒絕:

His refusal to compromise on ethical principles earned him respect in the professional community.



  • rebuttal (n) 反駁:

The lawyer prepared a strong rebuttal to challenge the opposing party’s arguments in court.



  • manual (n) 使用手冊:

The manual provided clear instructions on how to assemble the furniture.



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