not until 全攻略|提供豐富例句,含倒裝和分裂句

not until 用法有哪些?「我看電視直到半夜,然後上床睡覺」跟「我一直看電視,直到半夜才上床睡覺」,這二句意思一樣,也都會用到unitl,但寫法大不相同。第一句是表示動作延續直到某時,即until+動作終點,用until的基本型即可。第二句必須用not…until,not…until+另一個動作起點

與中文習慣不同,對於「直到才」的表示,英文是先否定掉沒做某動作(not的部分)再接開始做的時間(until),直接翻譯是「某人沒做某事,直到某時才做」。not until還可以移到句首形成倒裝句,或搭配分裂句做強調,都是很漂亮的加分句型喔!

在學習not until前也可以先複習和until的比較,連結在。一起來學習not until的用法吧!





not until 用法


  1. 這是not until的基本用法,表示「直到…才」。
  2. 先用助動詞加not否定掉動作,再加上「until時間或動作」。


Benjamin didn’t go to bed until midnight.


→ 先否定掉動作didn’t go to bed,再加「until 時間」

→ 即「not until+另一個動作起點」


The students didn’t stop talking until their teacher entered the classroom.


→ 先否定掉動作didn’t stop talking,再加「until 子句」

→ 即「not until+另一個動作起點」


The children didn’t start to eat dinner until their mother got angry.


→ 先否定掉動作didn’t start to … ,再加「until 子句」

→ 即「not until+另一個動作起點」


Sarah did not realize her true potential until she started believing in herself.


→ 先否定掉動作did not realize …,再加「until 子句」

→ 即「not … until+另一個動作起點」



The party did not come alive until the DJ started playing upbeat music.


→ 先否定掉動作did not come alive,再加「until 子句」


I did not understand the importance of time management until I missed an important deadline.


→ 先否定掉動作did not understand…,再加「until 子句」


They did not realize the beauty of nature until they went on a hiking trip.


→ 先否定掉動作did not realize…,再加「until 子句」


The project did not progress smoothly until the team started collaborating effectively.


→ 先否定掉動作did not progress…,再加「until 子句」


The old man did not feel at ease until he had checked all the doors and windows before going to bed.


→ 先否定掉動作did not feel…,再加「until 子句」


The true impact of their actions did not become clear until they saw the consequences unfold.


→ 先否定掉動作did not become…,再加「until 子句」



倒裝:Not until…+助動詞+S+V

  1. 可以將not until移到句首,變成否定字在句首要倒裝成V+S的用法。(延伸閱讀:倒裝句連結)
  2. 這種倒裝句是類似疑問句的結構。如果動詞是be動詞,直接移到主詞前。如果動詞是一般動詞,要自行加上do/does/did來形成倒裝句。


Not until the thirsty mountaineer drank some water was he able to speak.


→ Not until移到句首後,將動詞was移到主詞he之前改成倒裝句

→ 即「Not until…+V+S」


Not until midnight did Fiona finish the talk with her friend.


→ Not until移到句首後,在主詞Fiona前加上did改成倒裝句

→ 即「Not until…+V+S」


Not until it got dark did the workers call it a day.


→ Not until移到句首後,在主詞the workers前加上did改成倒裝句

→ 即「Not until…+V+S」


Not until I finished the exam did I realize how much I had studied.


→ Not until移到句首後,在主詞I前加上did改成倒裝句

→ 即「Not until…+V+S」



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


Not until the sun set did they start their journey back home.


→ 即「Not until…+V+S」


Not until Branda lost her job did she appreciate the importance of financial stability.


→ 即「Not until…+V+S」


Not until they reached the summit did they realize the breathtaking beauty of the mountain range.


→ 即「Not until…+V+S」


Not until the rain stopped did the children go out to play in the park.


→ 即「Not until…+V+S」


Not until Alison received the scholarship did she decide to pursue her dream of studying abroad.


→ 即「Not until…+V+S」


Not until the villagers ran out of food did they realize the importance of proper meal planning.


→ 即「Not until…+V+S」


Not until the clock struck midnight did the celebration truly begin.




not until用法 延伸

分裂句:It is+not until…+that+S+V

  1. not until可以搭配分裂句It is … that (延伸閱讀:分裂句連結)。
  2. 在這句型中,將not until整串放在It is後當強調,其他的部分接在that後。
  3. 注意,這種結構不是倒裝句,不需要顛倒主詞和動詞。


It was not until the doctor’s warning that Kevin paid attention to his health problems.


→ 將not until…移到It was後,將句子剩餘部分放在that後

→ 此結構不需要倒裝


It was not until it rained that the baseball players stopped the game and went home.


→ 將not until…移到It was後,將句子剩餘部分放在that後

→ 此結構不需要倒裝


It is not until people face their fears that they can realize their true strength.


→ 此結構不需要倒裝


It is not until we make mistakes that we can learn valuable life lessons.


→ 此結構不需要倒裝


It is not until you experience failure that you appreciate the taste of success.


→ 此結構不需要倒裝


It is not until we face adversity that we may discover our inner resilience.



It is not until you travel to foreign countries that you can truly appreciate different cultures.



It was not until the lady stepped out of her comfort zone that she experienced personal growth.



✏️牛刀小試 [正解在文章最後]

  1. Not until the sun set _____________.
    (A) it got cooler
    (B) that it got cooler
    (C) did it get cooler
    (D) it did get cooler
  2. It was not until the mom fed the baby ________.
    (A) that he stopped crying
    (B) did he stop crying
    (C) he stopped crying
    (D) had he stopped crying
  3. 直到這老人生病,他才知道健康的重要性。(… not … until…)
  4. 直到她經歷了困難時期,她的朋友們才站在她身邊,她才意識到友誼的價值。
  5. 直到他們反思自己的努力和成就,他們才意識到他們的成功程度。
  6. 直到他們經歷了誤解和衝突,他們才意識到溝通的重要性。
  7. 直到他真誠道歉,她才原諒他的錯誤。(Not until…)
  8. 直到他們分開後,他們才意識到彼此的深情。(Not until…)
  9. 直到你放下過去,你才能擁抱未來。(It is not until …)


📜 多益文法相關連結:


📜 歷年指考作文題目與寫作提示:

📜 歷年學測 翻譯 連結

📜 歷年指考英文 翻譯 連結:

📜 大考英文翻譯練習連結:

📜 英文字首相關用法特輯:

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 學測必背片語 特輯:

📜 假設語氣相關用法連結:

📜 表示程度和結果的用法特輯:

📜 間接問句相關用法特輯:

📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 與 倒裝句 相關的連結

📜 被動語態的相關連結:

📜 歷年學測作文題目與寫作提示:


  1.  (C)
  2.  (A)
  3. The old man didn’t realize the importance of health until he got sick.
  4. She did not realize the value of friendship until she experienced a difficult time and her friends stood by her side.
  5. The true extent of their success did not become evident until they reflected on their hard work and achievements.
  6. The importance of communication did not hit them until they experienced misunderstandings and conflicts.
  7. Not until he apologized sincerely did she forgive him for his mistake.
  8. Not until they were separated did they realize how deeply they cared for each other.
  9. It is not until you let go of the past that you can embrace the future.


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