tap into 意思和用法 |豐富例句秒學實用生活片語!

tap into 的意思是什麼呢?tap可以當動詞,是「裝上塞子」的意思,也可以當名詞,是「酒桶的塞子」的意思。

那麼,tap into是什麼意思呢?這是生活中很常遇到的片語,一起來看看吧!

tap into




tap into 意思和用法

  1. 片語:tap into
  2. 意思:利用; 開發。
  3. 情境:指透過巧妙或有效的方式利用某事物,以達到更大的效益或機會,表示利用、挖掘或充分利用某種資源、機會或潛力。
  4. 代換:make use of; take advantage of
  5. 例句:

The company aims to tap into new markets for expansion.



Entrepreneurs often tap into their creativity to solve problems.



The organization plans to tap into the talents of its employees.



Researchers are trying to tap into the potential of renewable energy.



The app allows users to tap into a vast library of information.



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Successful leaders know how to tap into the strengths of their team members.



The government wants to tap into the benefits of advanced technology.



Teachers strive to tap into the curiosity and enthusiasm of students.



The city is looking to tap into its cultural heritage for tourism.



Innovators often tap into existing resources to create something new.



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