see through |表示陪伴和支持的必學片語!

see through 是什麼意思?如果想對處在困境的朋友表達陪伴和支持,要怎麼說?答對了!用see sb through就對了!這是個對親人或朋友表達支持時可用的片語,提供對方很多溫暖。

see through的意思是「幫助…渡過(困難等)」,通常用來表示在困難或挑戰中支持、幫助或陪伴某人完成某事,是可分的雙字動詞,在這個意思的用法中,常將受詞放在片語的中間,使用時要多加留意。



see through用法




I. see through 用法

  1. 意思:幫助…度過(困難等)
  2. 意義:用來表示在困難或挑戰中支持、幫助或陪伴某人完成某事。
  3. 聯想:through有透過的意思,陪某人穿越障礙或困難,就是幫助某人渡過困難。
  4. 用法:是可分的雙字動詞片語。see的三態是see, saw, seen。


II. 例句

Don’t worry. I’ll see you through this tough time.


→ see sb through this tough time 陪伴某人度過艱難時刻


The coach promised to see the team through the entire season.



Sheila saw her sister through her recovery from surgery.



Our friendship has seen us through many challenges.


→ see sb through challenges 陪伴某人度過挑戰


The mentor saw the young artist through the ups and downs of her career.




My family have always seen me through difficult times.


→ see sb through difficult times 陪伴某人度過艱難時期


The organization provides resources to see individuals through their job search process.



My parents saw me through the challenges of my education and supported me every step of the way.



We will see our friend through the difficult times of her divorce.



The organization provides resources to see disadvantaged youth through their educational journey.



Our team will see the project manager through the challenging task of coordinating multiple departments.



The therapist saw her patient through the process of recovery from addiction.



The loyal friend saw his buddy through the ups and downs of starting a new business.



The mentor saw the young artist through the challenges of self-doubt and encouraged her to pursue her passion.



The support group provided a network of people who would see each member through their personal struggles.



Her best friend promised to see her through the difficult decision-making process.



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