接送的英文 怎麼說?pick up和drop off用法

接送的英文 怎麼說?中文裡簡單的接送一詞,在英文是個別使用的二個片語pick up和drop off。






接送的英文 用法

I. 「接」用pick up

  1. 意思:搭載
  2. 情境:用於表示用汽車搭載某人
  3. 詞性:動詞片語
  4. pick up是可分雙字動詞,受詞可放在中間或後面。當受詞是代名詞時,只能放在中間。


Before school starts every day, the school bus comes to the children’s houses and pick up the children.

= Before school starts every day, the school bus comes to the children’s houses and pick the children up.


→ 受詞可以放在pick up的後面或中間


Although this hotel is located in a remote place, its staff can pick up its visitors at the train station.

= Although this hotel is located in a remote place, its staff can pick its visitors up at the train station.


→ 受詞是普通名詞,可以放在pick up的後面或中間


After the businessman arrived at the airport, his secretary went to pick him up.


→ 受詞是代名詞him,必須放在pick up的中間


My parents will come and pick me up after I finish my lessons at the language school.


→ 受詞是代名詞me,必須放在pick up的中間


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II. 「送」用drop off

  1. 意思:讓…下車
  2. 情境:用於表示讓某人從汽車下來
  3. 詞性:動詞片語
  4. drop off是可分雙字動詞,受詞可放在中間或後面。當受詞是代名詞時,只能放在中間。


Every morning Samantha drops her children off at school and then goes to work.


→ 受詞可以放在drop off的後面或中間


If you are in a hurry, just drop me off here and I will walk to the bus stop myself.


→ 受詞是代名詞me,放在drop off的中間


Since Grandma needs to withdraw money, you can drop her off at the bank.


→ 受詞是代名詞me,放在drop off的中間


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