jump on the bandwagon |「跳上樂隊車」比喻成什麼?

jump on the bandwagon 是什麼意思? 「跳上樂隊車」可以比喻成什麼呢?

jump (v) 是跳,bandwagon (n) 是樂隊車。jump on the bandwagon意思是「跳上樂隊車」,可以聯想成某人加入一個流行的趨勢、觀點或活動,意思是「趕時髦;跟隨潮流」。


jump on the bandwagon用法




jump on the bandwagon 用法

  1. 意思:趕時髦;跟隨潮流
  2. 情境:形容某人加入一個流行的趨勢、觀點或活動,通常是因為這個趨勢已經受到廣泛的支持或接受。有時候會語帶不認同的意思。
  3. 聯想:類似於跳上正在行進的馬車,表示跟隨大眾的潮流。
  4. 用法:jump (v) 是跳,bandwagon (n) 是樂隊車。jump的三態:jump, jumped, jumped。
  5. 代換:這個用法可代換成climb on the bandwagon/get on the bandwagon。如果要表示中立的語意,表示追隨潮流可用follow the trend。
  6. 例句:


Many companies are jumping on the bandwagon of sustainable practices to improve their image.



Jack decided to jump on the bandwagon and start using social media for his business.



After the success of the first movie, everyone wanted to jump on the bandwagon and make a sequel.



Some people genuinely support the cause, while others just jump on the bandwagon for attention.



When a new diet trend emerges, many people tend to jump on the bandwagon without researching its effectiveness.



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Sheila wasn’t interested in the topic until her friends started talking about it, and then she jumped on the bandwagon too.



Some critics accuse him of only jumping on the bandwagon of popular opinions to gain popularity.



The brand quickly jumped on the bandwagon of incorporating eco-friendly materials into their products.



As soon as one celebrity endorses a product, others often jump on the bandwagon to promote it as well.



Don’t just jump on the bandwagon; make sure you understand the cause before supporting it.



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