go off 用法 |「鬧鐘響起」怎麼說?

go off 用法 有哪些?最常見的有用於表示鬧鐘或警報「響起」。鬧鐘響起不是用ring,而是用go off喔!

go off是個很常見的片語,有多重意思,還可以表示「熄滅」、「爆炸」、「離開」等。


go off用法





go off 用法

I. 用法

  1. 意思:響起、熄滅、爆炸、離開
  2. 詞性:動詞片語


As soon as the alarm clock went off, the student jumped out of his bed.


→ go off是「響起」的意思


At what time did you set the alarm clock to go off?


→ go off可指鬧鐘「響起」


Hearing the alarm go off, the burglar ran away immediately.


→ go off可用在警報「響起」


After the department store were closed, all the lights went off.


→ go off表示燈光「熄滅」


When the clock struck twelve, the fireworks went off, lighting up the sky.


→ go off可表示煙火「爆炸」或「燃起」


After finishing his breakfast, Kevin went off to work.


→ go off可表示煙火「爆炸」或「燃起」


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