break out |【多益/學測】可用來表示哪些事情爆發?

break out 的基本意思是「爆發」,是多益、學測,甚至生活中都高頻出現的實用片語。

表示發生可以用happen, occur, take place,但如果要表示某事情突然發生就用break out。

在使用上要留意break out指的是什麼事情爆發以及break的三態。


break out用法




break out 用法

  1. 意思:「爆發」; 「突然開始」
  2. 意義:表示某事突然發生
  3. break三態:break, broke, broken
  4. break out是動詞片語,可形成名詞outbreak (n)
  5. 搭配的主詞:fire (火災), fight (打鬥), riot (暴動), chaos (混亂), war (戰爭), disease (疾病), pandemic (大流行病), plague (瘟疫)等
  6. 例句:



 The fire broke out in the middle of the night.


→ 用於指火災突然發生


The fire broke out in the factory and quickly spread to nearby buildings.



The news of the election results caused chaos to break out in the streets.


→ 用於指混亂突然發生


The pandemic broke out in late 2019.


→ 用於指流行疾病突然爆發


Violence broke out during the protest, and several people were injured.



A fire broke out in the factory, causing extensive damage.



Food poisoning broke out after people ate contaminated food.



A fight broke out in the bar, and the police were called to intervene.



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Panic broke out when people heard the news of the earthquake.



War broke out between the two countries, and many lives were lost.



A rash broke out on her skin after she used the new soap.



The protests broke out across the country, demanding government reform.



Laughter broke out in the classroom when the teacher told a funny joke.



A serious flu broke out in the city.

= There was a serious outbreak of flu in the city.




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