to one’s 情緒名詞 |寫作必備技巧之情緒表達神器!

to one’s 情緒名詞 意思是「讓某人覺得…的是」。在寫作中,我們常會需要用到對主角情緒的描述,讓敘述更貼切生動。這時候「 to one’s 情緒名詞 」的用法就非常實用喔!

這個短語結構「to one’s (所有格) + 情緒名詞」是「讓某人覺得…的是」之意,通常放在句首,必須使用所有格與表示情緒的名詞,寫完加上逗點。



to one's 情緒名詞





to one’s 情緒名詞  用法:

  1. 意思是「讓某人覺得…的是」。
  2. one’s是所有格,跟著主詞變化。
  3. 表示情緒的部分要用名詞形。
  4. 短語的後面接主要子句。
  5. 常用的有:
  • surprise (n.) 驚訝
  • amazement (n.) 驚訝
  • astonishment (n.) 吃驚; 訝異
  • delight (n.) 高興
  • joy (n.) 高興
  • sorrow (n.) 傷心
  • dismay (n.) 沮喪
  • amusement (n.) 有趣
  • disappointment (n.) 失望
  • excitement (n.) 興奮
  • satisfaction (n.) 滿意
  • regret (n.) 後悔
  • relief (n.) 鬆一口氣
  • horror (n.) 害怕
  • annoyance (n.) 惱怒
  • frustration (n.) 挫折
  • embarrassment (n.) 尷尬

To my surprise, when I got home, I saw a big birthday cake on the table.


→ to my surprise 讓我驚訝的是。名詞前用所有格my


To our relief, the game was cancelled due to the heavy rain.


→ to our relief 令我們欣慰的是。名詞前用所有格our


To the children’s amusement, the balloons disappeared when the magician blew out the candle.


→ to the children’s amusement 讓孩子們開心的是。名詞前用所有格the children’s


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To Allen’s delight, he found out that he got the job.


→ to one’s delight 表示「讓人高興的是」


To the surprise of the coach, I won the first prize in the competition.


→ to one’s surprise 表示「讓人驚訝的是」


To my disappointment, the concert was canceled due to bad weather.


→ to one’s disappointment(讓人高興的是失望的)


To my relief, my dog was found by a kind neighbor.


→ to one’s relief 表示「讓某人寬慰的是」


To Kevin’s annoyance, the noisy construction work continued throughout the night.


→ to one’s annoyance 表示「讓某人惱怒的是」


To my frustration, I failed the driving test again.


→ to one’s frustration 表示「讓某人沮喪的是」



II. 可加much或great強調:

  1. much to one’s N:在to one’s前加上much作為強調
  2. to one’s great N:在N前加上great作為強調

Much to his satisfaction, his products sold very well.


→ 在短語前加上much來強調語氣


Much to their delight, their teacher complimented them on the impressive presentation.


→ 在短語前加上much來強調語氣


To the great embarrassment of the actress, her voice cracked when she sang the theme song of the musical.


→ 在名詞embarrassment前加上great來強調語氣


To the students’ great disappointment, the celebration of their school anniversary had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19.


→ 在名詞disappointment前加上great來強調語氣


To everyone’s great amazement, the magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat.


→ to one’s great amazement 表示讓某人非常驚奇的是


Much to my confusion, the instructions for the new software were not clear.


→ 在to one’s confusion前加上much


Much to Keith’s excitement, he was chosen to represent our company at the international conference.


→ 在to one’s excitement前加上much



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