要不是有 用法|豐富例句If it were not for與If it had not been for

要不是有 在英文中要怎表達呢?

在日常生活中,我們蠻常使用 假設語氣 。除了「如果…」的基本用法外,還有「要不是…」、「若非有…」的句型 If it were not for…If it had not been for…

這個句型很簡單,只要根據假設語氣的概念,依照發生的時間分為「與現在事實相反」和「與過去事實相反」的用法,記住現在假設主要使用過去式動詞,過去假設主要使用過去分詞had pp,然後背下句型公式就可以囉。

在開始學習If it were not forIf it had not been for之前,建議先複習假設語氣的基本用法:現在假設語氣過去假設語氣

If it were not for用法




要不是有 和 若非有 搭配假設語氣

句型1: If it were not for + N, +現在假設句型

  1. 意思:表示「要不是有…,現在就會~」
  2. 句型:If it were not for + N, S + would/could/might + VR
  3. 情境:指「要不是因為有某人或某事物,現在就會…」,與現在事實相反。
  4. 記憶法:現在假設的動詞主要使用過去式,遇到加助動詞would/could/might時,改成原形動詞。
  5. 例句:


If it were not for air, we would die.


💡 事實上,現在有空氣,我們沒死,與現在事實相反,是現在假設

→ If it were not for是現在假設,主要子句用S + would+原V


If it were not for the shows on TV, many people might be bored to death.


💡 事實上,現在有電視,很多人不覺得無聊,與現在事實相反,是現在假設

→ If it were not for是現在假設,主要子句用S + would+原V


If it were not for the pudding and cake, the sick boy could not have the appetite for lunch.


💡 事實上,現在有布丁和蛋糕,這孩子覺得有胃口吃午餐,與現在事實相反,是現在假設

→ If it were not for是現在假設,主要子句用could+原V


If it were not for their support, I would not have the confidence to pursue my passion.



If it were not for his creativity, the project would be dull and uninteresting.




If it were not for the rainy weather, we would be in the mountains now.


→ If it were not for是現在假設,主要子句用could+原V


If it were not for his financial support, she might not be able to pursue her education.



If it were not for my parents’ encouragement, I would not have the passion for music.



If it were not for his expertise, we would have to solve the complex problem by ourselves.



If it were not for their sacrifices, we would not be what we are today.




句型2: If it had not been for + N, +過去假設句型

  1. 意思:表示「要不是有…,過去就會~」
  2. 句型:If it had not been for + N, S + would/could/might + have pp
  3. 情境:指「要不是因為有某人或某事物,過去就會…」,與過去事實相反。
  4. 記憶法:過去假設的動詞主要使用過去完成式 had pp,遇到加助動詞would/could/might時,改成have pp。
  5. 例句:


If it had not been for the fund-raising party last year, Jenny would not have met her husband.


💡 事實上,去年Jenny參加了募款餐會,認識了她的先生,與過去事實相反

→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用would not+have pp


If it had not been for the rescue team, the hiker might still have been left in the cave.


💡 事實上,有了搜救隊的幫助,健行的人被拯救了,與過去事實相反

→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用might+have pp


If it had not been for the special formula, Victor could not have cooked such delicious tomato soup.


💡 事實上,有了這特別配方,Victor煮出美味的番茄湯,與過去事實相反

→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用could not+have pp


If it had not been for my sister’s quick thinking, we would have missed the last train.


💡 事實上,有了妹妹的迅速反應,我們沒錯過火車

→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用would not+have pp


If it had not been for the traffic jam, I would have arrived on time for the meeting.



有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


If it had not been for his support, I might have given up on my dreams.


→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用might+have pp


If it had not been for the heavy rain, we could have had a picnic in the park.


→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用could+have pp


If it had not been for the traffic jam, they would have arrived on time for the meeting.


→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用would +have pp


If it had not been for his girlfriend’s encouragement, Jamie might have never pursued his passion for music.


→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用might+have pp



If it had not been for the unexpected financial setback, they would have bought their dream house.


→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用would+have pp


If it had not been for the expert advice, they might have made a costly mistake in their investment.


→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用might+have pp


If it had not been for their teamwork, the project would not have been completed ahead of schedule.


→ If it had not been for是過去假設,主要子句用might+have been pp,被動式的說明請見此連結



要不是 句型的代換

But for/Without + N, S+假設語氣

  1. 在二種句型中,可以將從屬子句「 If it were not for」或「If it had not been for」直接代換成 But forWithout。
  2. But for + N, S + 假設語氣.
  3. Without + N, S + 假設語氣.
  4. But for或Without後面直接加名詞,不需要考慮動詞,但主要子句仍然必須使用現在假設或過去假設用法。


But for the thick coat, I might feel cold in the chilly wind now.


→ If it were not for the thick coat, I might feel cold in the chilly wind now.

→ 屬於現在假設,主要子句用might+原V


Without the teacher’s explanation, the students could not understand the theory.


→ If it were not for the teacher’s explanation, the students could not understand the theory.

→ 屬於現在假設,主要子句用could not+原V


But for Kevin’s timely help, we couldn’t have arrived at the airport in time.


→ If it had not been for Kevin’s timely help, we couldn’t have arrived at the airport in time.

→ 屬於過去假設,主要子句用could not+have pp


Without vaccines, many people would have been infected with the coronavirus disease.


→ If it had not been for vaccines, many people would have been infected with the coronavirus disease.

→ 屬於過去假設,主要子句用would+have pp


But for your help, I would have been lost in that unfamiliar city.


→ But for + N

→ 屬於過去假設,主要子句用would+have pp



Without her guidance, this young man might not have achieved such great academic success.


→ Without + N


But for her quick thinking, the accident could have been much worse.



But for the firefighters’ timely intervention, the fire could have spread to neighboring buildings.



Without your financial support, we would not have been able to start our business.



Without the team members’ dedication, the project might not have been completed on time.



But for their financial difficulties, they could have enjoyed a luxurious vacation.



Without your encouragement, I might not have had the confidence to pursue my artistic talents.




If there …, S+假設語氣

  • 表示「要不是」的句型還可以使用含there be的句型

a. 現在假設If there were no N, S would + V

If there were no airplanes, travelling aound the world would not be easy.



If there were no nurses, sick people could not be taken care of.



b. 過去假設If there had been no N, S +would + have pp

If there had been no dessert, the ants would not have gathered in such a short time.



If there had been no masks, the disease might have spread at an alarming speed.




🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。

✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. If  _______ smartphones nowadays, people could not reach their family and friends anytime and anywhere.
    (A) it is not for
    (B) it were not for
    (C) they had not been for
    (D) there are no
  2. If _______ Timothy’s reminder, his brother would have made a good plan.
    (A) it is not for
    (B) it had not been for
    (C) it should not be
    (D) it were not for
  3. 如果不是因為她的鼓勵,我會想放棄我的夢想。(If it were not for…)
  4. 要不是有朋友們的參與,John的生日派對會很無聊。(If it were not for …)
  5. 要不是這有效的藥,這生病的男人就不會快速痊癒。(If it had not been for…)
  6. 如果不是因為他的干預,情況可能會升級成一場全面危機。(If it had not been for…)
  7. 如果不是因為及時的醫療援助,她可能無法在事故中生還。(If it had not been for…)
  8. 若非他們的鼓勵,我很久以前就已經放棄了我的夢想。(But for…)
  9. 若非他擁有必要的資格,他不會獲得這份工作的邀請。(Without…)

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📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 學測必背片語 特輯:

📜 假設語氣相關用法連結:

📜 表示程度和結果的用法特輯:

📜 間接問句相關用法特輯:

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📜 歷年學測作文題目與寫作提示:

  1. B
  2. B
  3. If it were not for her encouragement, I might want to give up on my dreams.
  4. If it were not for his friends’ participation, John’s birthday party would be boring.
  5. If it not had not been for/But for/Without this effective medicine, this ill man would not have made a quick recovery.
  6. If it had not been for his intervention, the situation could have escalated into a full-blown crisis.
  7. If it had not been for the timely medical assistance, she might not have survived the accident.
  8. But for their encouragement, I would have given up on my dreams long ago.
  9. Without the necessary qualifications, he would not have been offered the job.



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