under the weather |「在天氣之下」是什麼意思?

under the weather 的字面意思是「在天氣之下」。真正的意思是什麼呢?用在什麼情境呢?

under the weather 是一個英語俚語,跟天氣沒有直接關係,通常用來形容人感到身體不適、有點生病或精神不佳的狀態,但通常不是嚴重的疾病。


under the weather用法




under the weather 用法

  1. 意思:身體不舒服; 身體微恙
  2. 情境:這個俚語的意思是指某人身體狀況不太好,可能出現輕微的不適症狀 (slightly ill),如果比較嚴重則不適合此用法。
  3. 用法:可與be動詞或feel等動詞連用。
  4. 例句:


I can’t come to the party tonight; I’m feeling a bit under the weather.


→ 與feel連用


Sarah called to take a sick leave today because she’s under the weather.


→ 與be動詞連用


Hank seems a bit under the weather, maybe he caught a cold.


→ 與動詞seem連用


Sheila’s been feeling under the weather all week, but she’s finally starting to recover.



I think I’ll stay home today; I’m a little under the weather.



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Jack has been under the weather lately, so he couldn’t attend the meeting.



Angela pushed through the day despite feeling under the weather.



After a good night’s rest, I usually feel better when I’m under the weather.



Don’t worry too much, it’s just a mild case of being under the weather.



Even though he‘s a little under the weather, he’s determined to finish his assignment.



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