spill the beans | 「灑出豆子」比喻成什麼?

spill the beans 是生活中常用的俚語。spill的意思是「使散落」,beans的意思是「豆子」,spill the beans 的字面是「把豆子灑出來」,可以比喻成什麼呢?




spill the beans用法




spill the beans 用法

  1. 意思:洩露秘密
  2. 情境:這個俚語的意思是指某人故意或無意地洩露秘密、透露機密或揭示秘密的資訊。
  3. 聯想:把豆子灑出來可以聯想成一個比喻性的不小心把「豆子」(即秘密)洩露出來。
  4. 用法:spill是動詞,意為「使散落」,三態是spill, spilled/spilt, spilled/spilt。beans是名詞,意為「豆子」,一律用複數。
  5. 例句:


Don’t spill the beans about the surprise party!



The politician’s slip of the tongue caused him to spill the beans about his controversial decision.


→ slip of the tongue 口誤


My little brother couldn’t wait and spilled the beans about the surprise party.



The coworker who can never keep a secret accidentally spilled the beans again.



The excited child spilled the beans about the upcoming field trip to the zoo.



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The journalist skillfully interviewed the source until they finally spilled the beans.



Even though she promised not to, Mary accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise guest.



The employee who knew the company’s plans spilled the beans to her friend.



The talkative neighbor unintentionally spilled the beans about the upcoming neighborhood event.



In his excitement, John spilled the beans about his marriage proposal plans.



The eager student couldn’t contain himself and spilled the beans about the surprise guest speaker.



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