ring a bell |當「使想起」之意,怎麼用?

ring a bell 有哪些用法?ring是動詞,有「按鈴」或「敲鐘」的意思,bell是名詞,意思是「鈴鐺」或「鐘」。

ring a bell可當敲鐘之意,但在口語中還有個很有趣的用法。當鈴鐺或鐘響起時,它們的聲音會引起人們的注意,並使人聯想到相應的事物。


ring a bell用法




ring a bell 用法

  1. 意思:使想起; 引起模糊回憶
  2. 意義;表示某事或某人讓人聯想起或使人回想起一個相關的事情、名字或情境。
  3. 聯想:聯想來自於鈴鐺或鐘聲的概念,當鈴鐺或鐘響起時,它們的聲音會引起人們的注意,並使人聯想到相應的事物。
  4. 用法:ring的三態是ring, rang, rung。
  5. 例句:


Do you remember Mark Johnson? He was our high school classmate. Does his name ring a bell?

(你還記得Mark Johnson嗎?他是我們高中的同學。他的名字讓你有印象嗎?)


I mentioned the movie to her, but it didn’t seem to ring a bell. She had never heard of it before.



His face looks familiar, but I can’t quite place him. He doesn’t ring a bell in my memory.



The name of the restaurant doesn’t ring a bell, but I might have seen it somewhere before.



When she mentioned the incident, it suddenly rang a bell in my mind. I had completely forgotten about it until then.



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The phrase “carpe diem” shouldring a bell for those familiar with Latin. It means “seize the day.”

(對於熟悉拉丁語的人來說,詞語「carpe diem」應該會讓人有印象。它的意思是「把握今天」。)


The book title doesn’t ring a bell, but the author’s name sounds familiar.



When I mentioned the old neighborhood, it didn’t ring a bell for him. He had moved away many years ago.



The song started playing, and it immediately rang a bell in my head. It was one of my all-time favorites.



I showed her a picture of our childhood house, and it finally rang a bell. Memories came flooding back to her.



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