once in a blue moon |用豐富例句速學這個俚語!

once in a blue moon 是個英文俚語,是什麼意思?「曾經在藍月亮裡」?







I. once in a blue moon 用法

  1. 意思:千載難逢地; 幾乎未曾有過; 特別少地
  2. 意義:用來形容事件發生的頻率非常罕見或極少。
  3. 聯想:藍色月亮非常罕見的現象,用於表示非常少見、非常發生的事情。
  4. 用法:當副詞用,可用very raely代換。


II. once in a blue moon 例句

I only see my childhood friends once in a blue moon.



The girl cleans her room once in a blue moon.



My favorite band performs live once in a blue moon.



The local theater hosts a classic film screening once in a blue moon.



The bakery bakes its special pastries once in a blue moon.



The rare flower blooms once in a blue moon.



The team manages to win the championship once in a blue moon.



The restaurant offers a discounted menu once in a blue moon.



The comet can be observed in the night sky once in a blue moon.



The company organizes a company-wide retreat once in a blue moon.



The old clock chimes melodiously once in a blue moon.



The vintage car show takes place once in a blue moon.



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