hit the sack | 是撞上麻布袋或「上床睡覺」之意?

hit the sack 是什麼意思呢?hit是「撞」,sack是「麻布袋」。

hit the sack是一個俚語,不是字面上的意思「撞上麻布袋」,而是用於表示「去睡覺」或「上床睡覺」。


hit the sack用法




I. hit the sack 用法

  1. 意思:「上床睡覺」或「去就寢」。
  2. 意義:表示準備進入睡眠狀態。
  3. 聯想:這個俚語可能來自於以前是用麻布袋或類似的物品製成的床墊,人們用來睡覺。
  4. 用法:常用於口語交流或非正式場合。
  5. 代換:(1) hit the hay,hay是乾草的意思,聯想與hit the sack類似。(2) go to bed


II. hit the sack 例句


After a long day at work, I can’t wait to hit the sack.


→ 可代換成hit the hay或go to bed


It’s getting late. I think I should hit the sack soon.


→ 可代換成hit the hay或go to bed


I had a great time at the party, but now I need to hit the sack.



I’m feeling exhausted. It’s time to hit the sack and get some rest.



After studying for hours, I’m ready to hit the sack and recharge.




Tomorrow is an early morning, so I better hit the sack now.



I can’t seem to fall asleep. Maybe I’ll read a book before hitting the sack.



After a long road trip, all I want to do is hit the sack and get a good night’s sleep.


→ 可代換成hit the hay或go to bed

→ all I want to do is + 原V意思是「所有我想做的事就是…」,用法請見此


It’s been a hectic day. I’m going to hit the sack early tonight.



I’ve finished all my tasks for the day. Now it’s time to hit the sack and recharge for tomorrow.



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