a little bird told me意思 |「有隻小鳥告訴我」是什麼用法?

a little bird told me 從字面上解釋是「有隻小鳥告訴我」,實際上是什麼意思?

這個用法在日常生活中很常聽到,以a little bird當主詞,避開提及主詞,用於表示得知某個消息或情報,但不願透露出處或告訴他人消息的來源。


a little bird told me意思




a little bird told me 用法

  1. 意思:「有人告訴我…」
  2. 意義:這個俚語常用於以幽默或戲謔的方式表示自己知道一些秘密或內幕消息。
  3. 聯想:a little bird不會說話,卻用它當主詞,以開玩笑的方式表示不願透露消息來源。
  4. 用法:搭配過去式動詞,後面以that子句引導聽到的消息。
  5. 例句:


A little bird told me that you got a promotion at work. Congratulations!



A little bird told me that you’ve been studying really hard for the upcoming exams.



Guess what? A little bird told me that you’re going on a romantic vacation with your partner.



I heard it through the grapevine, or should I say, a little bird told me, that you’re planning to quit your job.



A little bird told me that you’re secretly learning how to play the guitar. Is it true?



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I won’t reveal my sources, but a little bird told me that you’re throwing a surprise birthday party for your best friend.



A little bird told me that you’ve been practicing yoga every morning. It’s great for your health!



A little bird told me that you’ve been taking cooking lessons. Your culinary skills must be amazing now!



I heard from a little bird that you’re planning a surprise party for your sister.



I heard from a little bird that you’re planning to propose to your partner on their birthday. How romantic!



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