prevent和avoid差別 ?用豐富例句秒學會!

prevent和avoid差別 是什麼呢?在日常生活中,或者寫翻譯題時,常會遇到要表示預防某事或避免某事發生。到底要用prevent還是avoid呢?

首先,可以從中文意思來判斷。prevent 意思是「預防」,強調通過採取預防措施來消除或減輕可能發生的事情。avoid 意思是「避免」,強調主動選擇避免參與或陷入可能不良情境。

再來,可以用名詞後面有沒有跟著另一個動詞來判斷。如果結構是動詞 + 名詞,還有另一個動詞,就使用prevent from V-ing。如果是直接接動詞,就使用avoid + V-ing。






prevent和avoid差別 1


  1. 意思:預防
  2. 定義: 指採取預防措施或行動,以阻止某事發生,通常與特定目標相關。
  3. 用法:(1) 直接加名詞,表示「預防」某事
    (2) prevent sth from V-ing,表示預防某事發生,後面會有第二個動詞
    (3) prevent sb from V-ing,表示預防某人做某事,後面會有第二個動詞
  4. 例句:

Regular exercise and a healthy diet can prevent obesity.


→ prevent + N,預防某事


Vaccinations are crucial to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.


→ prevent + N,預防某事


Installing smoke detectors can help prevent fire-related accidents.


→ prevent + accidents,預防事故


Early medical screenings aim to prevent the development of certain illnesses.


→ prevent + the development,預防發展


A balanced diet and regular exercise can effectively prevent the onset of diabetes.



Public health campaigns are designed to educate people and prevent the spread of infectious diseases.



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Regular exercise can help prevent obesity from developing in individuals.


→ prevent + N + from V-ing,預防某事發生,後面有第二個動詞


Installing antivirus software on your computer can prevent viruses from infecting your files.


→ prevent + N + from V-ing,預防某事發生,後面有第二個動詞infecting


The use of sunscreen is crucial to prevent your skin from getting tanned in the sun.


→ prevent + N + from V-ing,預防某事發生,後面有第二個動詞getting


Good communication can prevent misunderstandings from arising among team members.


→ prevent misunderstandings from arising,預防誤解產生,後面有第二個動詞arising


Parents often set rules to prevent their children from staying up too late on school nights.


→ prevent 人 from V-ing,預防某人做某事產生,後面有第二個動詞staying up


Wearing a helmet is essential to prevent motorcyclists from sustaining head injuries in accidents.


→ prevent 人 from V-ing,預防某人做某事產生



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prevent和avoid差別 2


  1. 意思:避免
  2. 定義:指主動避免參與或遭遇某事,通常出於個人選擇或希望避免不良後果的考慮。
  3. 用法:(1) 直接加名詞,表示「避免」某事物
    (2) 後面加動名詞:avoid V-ing,表示避免後面的動作
  4. 例句:

To maintain good oral health, it’s important to avoid excessive sugar consumption.


→ avoid + N,避免某事物


Defensive driving helps drivers avoid accidents on the road.


→ avoid + N,避免某事物


Many people avoid confrontations to maintain a peaceful work environment.


→ avoid + N,避免某事物


Frequent handwashing is a crucial practice for avoiding the spread of infectious diseases.


→ avoid the spread,避免傳播


An effective way to maintain mental well-being is by avoiding excessive exposure to negative news.




To reduce environmental impact, individuals should avoid utilizing single-use plastics.


→ avoid + V-ing,避免做某事


To promote a sustainable lifestyle, individuals should consider avoiding using unnecessary packaging when shopping.


→ avoid + V-ing,避免做某事


Individuals recovering from injuries are often advised to avoid doing strenuous physical activities during the initial healing phase.


→ avoid + V-ing,避免做某事


If you would like to stay healthy, you had better avoid eating sugary snacks.


→ avoid + V-ing,避免做某事


✏️牛刀小試 [正解在本篇最後]

I. 翻譯練習
  1. 消防安全教育對於預防家庭火災並保護家庭至關重要。
  2. 定期汽車保養對於預防機械故障並確保道路安全至關重要。
  3. 負責任的寵物主人努力避免他們的寵物在社區自由漫遊。
  4. 駕駛時,重要的是要採用防禦性技巧,比如避免在道路上表現激進行為。
  5. 許多護膚專家建議避免長時間暴露在陽光下,以防止皮膚過早老化。
  6. 成功的時間管理包括避免拖延和專注於手邊的任務。

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🔑 正解:

  1. Fire safety education is essential to prevent home fires and protect families.
  2. Routine car maintenance is crucial to prevent mechanical failures and ensure road safety.
  3. Responsible pet owners are diligent in avoiding their animals from roaming freely in the neighborhood.
  4. When driving, it’s crucial to practice defensive techniques, such as avoiding aggressive behavior on the road.
  5. Many skincare experts recommend avoiding being exposed to the sun for a long period of time to prevent premature aging of the skin.
  6. Successful time management involves avoiding procrastination and staying focused on tasks at hand.


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