each other和one another 的意思是什麼呢?用法上有什麼差別呢?each other只能用在二者間的名詞嗎?one another只能用在三者之間的名詞嗎?

答案是,each other和one another都有「互相」的意思。二者的用法常常可以互換,所以each other不限於用在二者間的名詞,而one another也不限用在三者之間的名詞。


來用豐富例句分辨each other和one another的差別,以及學會所有格的用法。一起來看看吧!

each other和one another



each other和one another 用法

  1. each other意思是「彼此; 互相」,用於指稱兩個名詞之間的相互關係,但也可用於二者以上的名詞。
  2. one another意思是「互相」,用於指稱兩個以上名詞之間的相互關係,但也可用於二者之間的名詞。
  3. each other和one another只當受詞,不能當主詞,但可以有所有格用法。
  4. each other和one another二者可互換,差別在於one another比較正式,通常在書面或正式場合中使用。each other則是在日常語境中非常普遍使用,不論正式或非正式場合都適用。


each other例句

The family share secrets with each other.



The couple support each other to solve every problem they encounter in life.


→ each other可用於二者之間


Barbara and her best friend often exchange gifts with each other.


→ each other可用於二者之間


Students in the group collaborate with each other on projects.


→ each other也可用於二者以上的名詞,更強調名詞之間的關係


Friends should support each other in times of need.


→ each other也可用於二者以上的名詞,更強調名詞之間的關係


The team members encourage each other during challenging times.


→ each other也可用於二者以上的名詞,更強調名詞之間的關係


Siblings sometimes argue, but they always forgive each other.



Colleagues provide feedback to each other for improvement.



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one  another例句

The members of the community should support one another.


→ one another可用於三者以上的名詞


Teammates should always encourage one another.


→ one another可用於三者以上的名詞


People in the organization often collaborate with one another.



In a harmonious family, members care for one another.


→ one another可用於三者以上的名詞


Classmates should help one another with homework.


→ one another可用於三者以上的名詞,但比較正式


Citizens should be considerate of one another in public spaces.



Employees often share ideas with one another in the workplace.



Neighbors should be friendly and supportive of one another.



During a crisis, most people tend to help one another.




🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

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each other和one another 所有格用法

  1. each other和one another的所有格都是加上「’s」即可。
  2. each other的所有格是each other’s。
  3. one another的所有格是one another’s。


John and Jane admire each other’s dedication to their work.


→ each other的所有格是each other’s


The team members appreciate each other’s unique skills.


→ each other的所有格是each other’s


The siblings respect each other’s personal space.



Colleagues should acknowledge each other’s contributions.



In a healthy relationship, partners understand each other’s needs.



We should listen to each other’s opinions.




The community members celebrate one another’s achievements.


→ one another的所有格是one another’s


Friends should support one another’s dreams and aspirations.


→ one another的所有格是one another’s


Employees recognize one another’s hard work and dedication.



Neighbors should be considerate of one another’s schedules.



Teammates rely on one another’s strengths to achieve goals.



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