assume用法 |和resume, consume, presume怎麼分?

assume用法 是什麼?和assume, resume, consume與presume怎麼區分?

在做題目或閱讀時,一定常看到assume, resume, consume和presume。這四個字都有字根sume,長得很像,讓人感覺非常混淆。







assume用法 |和resume, consume, presume比較


  • 常用意思:(1) 假設 (2) 承擔
  • 詞性與詞類變化:assume (v); assumption 假設 (n); assumptive (adj) 假設的
  • 記憶方式:字根sume是take(拿取)的意思
  • 例句:

I assume that you have read the instructions before starting the project.



Let’s not assume that everyone has the same background and experiences.



Sheila assumed the worst when Jerry didn’t answer her calls, but in fact he was just busy.



The company can’t assume that all customers want the same product without doing market research first.



Never assume that everything you see on social media is true.



I assume that you have already finished your homework.



Hank assumed the role of CEO after the previous one resigned.





  • 常用意思:(1) 重新開始 (2)  恢復
  • 詞性與詞類變化:resume (v); resumption (n) 重新開始; resumptive (adj) 再開始的   、
  • 記憶方式:字根sume是take(拿取)的意思,字首re-是再的意思,再拿取也就是「再開始」或「恢復」之意
  • 例句:

After the 10-minute break, we will resume the meeting.



After the storm passed, we resumed our outdoor activities.



She hopes to resume her dance lessons once she recovers from her injury.



The construction work will resume next week after the holiday break.



I took a break from work to travel, but it’s time for me to resume my routine.



After the pandemic, we will resume our international travel plans.



She hopes to resume her piano lessons once she has more free time.



The team decided to resume the project after addressing the issues that caused the delay.



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  • 常用意思:(1) 消耗、耗盡 (2) 吃、喝
  • 詞性與詞類變化:consume (v); consumption (n) 消耗; consumptive (adj) 消耗的
  • 記憶方式:字根sume是take(拿取)的意思,字首con-是完全的意思,完全拿取也就是「消耗」,延伸聯想有「吃喝」掉東西之意
  • 例句:

The car consumes a lot of gas.



He consumed the whole cake by himself.



The new diet plan requires you to consume more vegetables and less processed food.



He consumed a large amount of alcohol and became very drunk.



The fire consumed the entire building, leaving nothing behind.



She consumed a lot of time in reading books and watching documentaries.



The meeting consumed more time than anticipated due to the lengthy discussion.





  • 常用意思:(1) 假定 (2) 推測
  • 詞性與詞類變化:presume (v); presumption (n) 假定; presumptive (adj) 根據推定的
  • 記憶方式:字根sume是take(拿取)的意思,字首pre-是在…前的意思,在…之前+拿取,聯想出在事情之前,先「假定」的意思
  • presume與assume比較:很多時候可以互換,但細分之下,presume偏向根據證據或可能性所做的假設,assume偏向沒有根據證據所做的假設
  • 例句:

I presume that you are busy with your work.



Please don’t presume to know what I’m thinking about.



I wouldn’t presume that he will give up this golden opportunity.



He presumed that he would get the job because of his connections, but he was wrong.



She presumes that everyone speaks English, but that’s not the case.



The company president presumed that the merger would be successful, but it turned out to be a disaster.



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