a和the分辨 |【寫作必讀】看完秒懂冠詞們的差別,再也不用錯!

a和the分辨 的方式是什麼?a和the都是冠詞(article),冠詞是英語語法中的一種詞類,放在名詞前面,用來修飾名詞並限定名詞的範圍或特定性。

在英語中,主要有三種冠詞:不定冠詞(Indefinite Articles) “a” 和 “an”,與定冠詞  (Definite Article) “the”。冠詞在英語中是非常基本且常見的語法元素,它們有助於確定名詞的特定性,並影響句子的意義和流暢度。








I. a/an 的用法1

  1. 詞性:「a」和「an」都是不定冠詞,是同一字的變化,用於表示「數量是一個」、「不特定的事物」或「泛指同一種類的人事物」
  2. 定義:意為「一個/張」,表示所提的名詞是一種普通的不特定的人事物。
  3. 用法:(1) a/an後面接單數名詞。當後面的名詞是子音開頭時用「a」,當後面的名詞是母音開頭時用「an」。
    (2) 注意,a/an不與專有名詞連用。
    (3) 第一次提及的名詞會用「a/an」。
  4. 例句:


The hungry child ate a hamburger this morning.


→ 這裡的「a hamburger」表示漢堡的數量是「一個」


Kevin looks sleepy; he needs a cup of coffee.


→ 這裡的 “a cup” 表示咖啡的數量是一杯


I saw a cat in the garden.


→ 這裡的「a cat」單純表示看到一隻貓,是不特定的用法,可以是任何一隻貓。


The bored girl is looking for a new book to read.


→ 這裡的 “a new book” 表示一本不特定的新書,沒有指定,可以是任何本書


Jason’s brother spent an hour surfing on the Internet.


→ hour是母音開頭的字,因此不定冠詞用「an」


有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


A happy man tends to achieve success.


→ 這裡的 “a happy man” 以不特定的方式用於泛指全部的人


A mouse is much smaller than an elephant.


→ 這裡的「a mouse」和「an elephant」都是用以不特定的方式用於泛指全體

→ elephant是母音開頭的字,因此不定冠詞用「an」


During Allen’s trip, he met a doctor from Africa.


→ 這裡的「a doctor」表示一位醫生,為不特定的用法


I’d like a glass of milk, please.



Peter bought a new phone yesterday.




a/an 的用法 2

Can I have a piece of cake?



She’s looking for a job in marketing.



They adopted a puppy from the animal shelter.



It’s a beautiful day for a picnic.



I saw a shooting star last night.




He’s a talented musician.



She’s wearing a lovely dress.



I need a pen to write this note.




II. the的用法1

  1. 詞性:「the」是定冠詞,用於表示「特定的事物」、「已經被提及」「上下文中已知的事物
  2. 定義:意為「那/這」,表示所提的名詞是特定的,或雙方都知道的指定對象,如果意思非常清楚時,可代換成this或that。
  3. 用法:
    (1) the後面可接單數名詞或複數名詞。當後面的名詞是子音開頭時唸[ðə],當後面的名詞是子音開頭時唸i]。
    (2) 第一次提到的名詞通常加「a」,第二次提到的名詞變成有特定對象,會加「the」。
    (3) 如果名詞後面有關代引導修飾語,視為指定對象,要加「the」。
    (4) 地球上唯一的對象會加the,例如the sun、the moon等。
    (5) 物質名詞會加the,例如the meat。
    (6) 「the + 形容詞」可等於複數名詞。
    (7) 名詞前如果有最高級形容詞、序數、only等,必須使用the當定冠詞。
  4. 例句:


The cat in the garden is black.


→ 有特定指花園裡的貓,因此加the


I need to pick up the kids from school.


→ 說話者知道談論的對象是誰,有特定對象,因此加the


The book on the table is mine.


→ 說話者知道談論的對象是什麼,有特定指桌上的書,因此加the


We enjoyed the movie which we watched last night.


→ 有加上關代,特定指昨天看的電影,因此加the


Mom needs to buy the ingredients for dinner tonight.




Please pass the salt.



We’re going to the beach for our vacation.



The sun rises in the east.


→ 太陽是地球上唯一的物體,當成特定對象,因此加the

I’ll be at the office until 5 PM.



The President of the United States gave a speech yesterday.


→ 美國總統是特定對象,因此加the




The buildings in this city are impressive.



This is the highest honor they give.


→ 「最高的」是最高級形容詞,因此加the


This is the most challenging problem I’ve ever encountered.


→ 「最難的」是最高級形容詞,因此加the


The cat in my neighborhood is a nuisance.



The car in the parking lot is a Ferrari.




III. a與the的綜合練習

The tree in our garden has a bird’s nest.



The restaurant downtown serves a delicious pizza.



The girl in the red dress is a talented singer.



The mountain near our cabin is a popular hiking destination.



The movie we watched last night was a comedy.



The restaurant on Main Street has a new chef.

(Main Street上的那家餐廳有一位新廚師。)


The house at the end of the road is a haunted mansion.



The phone in my pocket is a brand-new model.




🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


✏️牛刀小試 [正解在本篇最後]

I. 冠詞練習。請填入a、an或the

In the heart of the bustling city, there is ___ charming little café on ___ corner of ___ narrow street. Inside, you can find an array of pastries and cakes on display, each more tempting than ___ last. ___ aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills ___ air, creating an inviting atmosphere for customers.

At ___ center of ___ café, there is ___ cozy corner with an antique armchair and ___ small table, ideal for those seeking ___ quiet place to read ___ book or have ___ conversation. On ___ walls, you’ll notice colorful paintings by local artists, adding to ___ café’s unique character. Behind ___ counter, there is ___ skilled barista who prepares espresso with precision, turning it into ___ work of art.

It’s not just ___ café; it’s ___ haven for those in search of good coffee, delicious pastries, and ___ tranquil escape from ___ hustle and bustle of ___ city.


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📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 學測必背片語 特輯:

📜 假設語氣相關用法連結:

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📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 與 倒裝句 相關的連結

📜 被動語態的相關連結:

📜 歷年學測作文題目與寫作提示:



🔑 正解:

In the heart of the bustling city, there is a charming little café on the corner of a narrow street. Inside, you can find an array of pastries and cakes on display, each more tempting than the last. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, creating an inviting atmosphere for customers.

At the center of the café, there is a cozy corner with an antique armchair and a small table, ideal for those seeking a quiet place to read a book or have a conversation. On the walls, you’ll notice colorful paintings by local artists, adding to the café’s unique character. Behind the counter, there is a skilled barista who prepares espresso with precision, turning it into a work of art.

It’s not just a café; it’s a haven for those in search of good coffee, delicious pastries, and a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.


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