convenient等不能修飾人的形容詞 |快看這些誤用地雷,你中了幾個?

不能修飾人的形容詞 是哪些?和中文不同,有些形容詞不能修飾人,但受到中文影響,我們很容易誤用。

想想看這些句子怎麼翻譯。a. 他很難解釋這個困難的問題。b. 在吵雜的情況下,我很容易分心。c. 老年人很方便在這公園運動。








  1. 與中文不一樣,英文中有些形容詞不用於修飾人,而是修飾事情。
  2. 使用時,這些形容詞不能直接修飾「人」,常搭配虛主詞的句型It is + adj + for sb + to V. 表達「對某人而言」的部分。
  • 表示難易度:difficult (困難的)、easy (容易的)。
  • 表示方便性:convenient (方便的)、inconvenient (不方便的)
  • 表示可能性:possible (可能的)、impossible (不可能的)。可以修飾人的是likely(可能的)與unlikely(不可能的)。
  • 表示「讓人覺得…」的形容詞,從現在分詞轉來,-ing結尾,常修飾事情。
  • 補充:difficult若用來形容某人,是表示某人很難相處的意思。easy若用來形容人,是從容的意思。


I. 表難易度、方便性、可能性的形容詞

It is difficult for my French friend to eat Chinese food with chopsticks.

= Eating Chinese food with chopsticks is difficult for my French friend.


→ (誤) My french friend is difficult to eat Chinese food with chopsticks.

→ difficult不能修飾人,要用虛主詞結構或用事情(動名詞)當主詞


It is easy for young children to learn a new language.

= Learning a new language is easy for young children.


→ (誤) Young children are easy to learn a new language.

→ easy不能修飾人,要用虛主詞結構或用事情(動名詞)當主詞


With cellphones and the Internet, it is convenient for people to stay in touch with friends living far away.


→ (誤) With cellphones and the Internet, people are convenient to stay in touch with friends living far away.

→ convenient不能修飾人,要用虛主詞結構



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


I am sorry, but it is inconvenient for Ted to answer the phone right now.


→ (誤) I am sorry, but Ted is inconvenient to answer the phone right now.

→ inconvenient不能修飾人,要用虛主詞結構


With advanced computer technology nowadays, it is possible for many people to work from home.

= With advanced computer technology nowadays, working from home is possible for many people.


→ (誤) With advanced computer technology nowadays, many people are possible to work from home.

→ possible不能修飾人,要用虛主詞結構或用事情(動名詞)當主詞


Currently, it is impossible for people to turn back time.

= Currently, turning back time is impossible for people.


→ (誤) Currently, people are impossible to turn back time.

→ impossible不能修飾人,要用虛主詞結構或用事情(動名詞)當主詞


II. 與情緒相關的形容詞

The students were excited to see their idol in the concert.


→ (誤) The students were exciting to see their idol in the concert.

→ exciting不能修飾人,要用excited



The tourists were shocked to know that their plan to the museum was canceled.


→ (誤) The tourists were shocking to know that their plan to the museum was canceled.

→ shocking不能修飾人,要用shocked




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