in case 用法 |表示以防萬一,快來學高出現的用法

in case用法 也可以用來表達「以免」和「唯恐」的意思。因為意思差不多,常常和for fear of、for fear that、lest一起比較。in case用法 意思是「以防萬一」、「假使」,可以用 in case  of + N或 in case  + S V。







in case 用法

I. in case of + N

  1. in case of的意思是「以防萬一」、「假使」,表示為了避免某事發生,或萬一某事發生時該處理的狀況。
  2. in case of後面接名詞。

Press the button in case of emergency.


→ in case of + N


Use your new umbrella in case of rain.


→ in case of + N


Find something to protect your head in case of an earthquake.


→ in case of + N




II. in case + S+V

  1. in case後面可以接子句,子句的動詞可用簡單式或should V。
  2. in case意思是「萬一」、「假使」。

Give me a ring in case Angela comes.


→ in case + S + V


I made some sandwitch in case my kids got hungry.


→ in case + S + V

→ in case後的子句用簡單式即可


Ian saves most of his salary in case he should need money.


→ in case + S + V

→ in case後的子句可用should表示「萬一」


Steve has several batteries ready in case he should change the one he’s using.


→ in case + S + V

→ in case後的子句可用should表示「萬一」



✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. Lucy買了好多包泡麵,以防超級颱風。
  2. 學生在體育課前做暖身,以防受傷。
  3. 我們應該拒絕騎乘大象,以防牠們的背部受傷。
  4. 你應該對生活保持正面態度,以防感覺到憂鬱。


📜 歷年學測 翻譯 連結

📜 歷年指考英文 翻譯 連結:

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📜 歷年指考作文題目與寫作提示:


🔑 正解:

1. Lucy bought several packs of instant noodles in case of a super typhoon.

2. The students did some warming-up exercise in case of an injury.

3. We should refuse to take rides on the backs of elephants in case they suffer from back injuries.

4. You should take a positive attitude toward your life in case you should feel depressed.

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