「以免」用法大全 |for fear of、for fear that和lest誰接原V?

for fear of 怎麼用呢?不同於表示「為了」的短語,in order to V、in order that用來表示要達到的目的,for fear of用於表達相反的意思。

如果要表示避免讓某事發生的目的,除了基本的in order not to V外,可以用for fear of、for fear that S V、lest,意思是「以免」或「唯恐」。這幾個用法後面接續的部分各有不同,要特別留意喔!

一起來學習「以免」、「唯恐」的用法吧!(in case也有相同意思,用法請見連結。)





for fear of 等用法

I. in order not to V

  1. in order not to表示想避免的事情。
  2. 意思是「為了不要」。


The speaker cleared his throat in order not to have his cracked during the speech.


→ in order + not to V


The lady set the alarm clock in order not to miss her favorite talk show.


→ in order + not to V


The lady always wears a seatbelt in the car in order not to get injured in an accident.


→ in order + not to V


I didn’t tell her the truth in order not to hurt her feelings.


→ in order + not to V


II. for fear of  N/V-ing

  1. for fear of可以加名詞動名詞V-ing表示想避免的事情。
  2. 意思是「以免」或「唯恐」。
  3. 可與in order not to代換。

David and his family set out early for fear of rain.


→ ~ + N


The students in the library kept quiet for fear of disturbing others.


→ ~ + V-ing

→ 等於The students in the library kept quiet in order not to disturb others.


Larry always carries an umbrella with him for fear of getting caught in the rain.


→ ~ + V-ing  以防


They avoided mentioning politics for fear of starting an argument.


→ ~ + V-ing  以免



Sheila always double-checks her work for fear of making a mistake.



Kenny didn’t tell his parents about the accident for fear of getting in trouble.



The company increased security measures for fear of theft.


→ ~ + N  以防


The government warned people to stay indoors for fear of an incoming typhoon.


→ ~ + N  以防


Frank avoids eating spicy food for fear of getting an upset stomach.


→ ~ + V-ing  以免


The villagers evacuated for fear of a nearby volcano erupting.


→ ~ + N  以防




III. for fear + that S V

  1. for fear that 後面加子句,子句中常會有助動詞might, would,不省略。
  2. 意思是「以免」或「唯恐」。
  3. 可與in order not to代換。


The fencers receive intensive training every day for fear that they might lose the tournament.


→ for fear that + S V

→ that子句中的助動詞可用might,表示可能性

→ The fencers receive intensive training every day in order not to lose the tournament.


Victoria drank some coffee before the meeting for fear that she would feel sleepy .


→ for fear that + S V

→ that子句中的助動詞可用would,表示「會」


I arrived early for fear that I might miss the train.


→ for fear that + S + might + V


Victoria studied diligently for fear that she might fail the exam.


→ for fear that + S + might + V


Grandpa locked all the doors and windows for fear that burglars might break in.


→ for fear that + S + might + V


The clerks double-checked their calculations for fear that there might be errors.


→ for fear that + there + might + be


She saved money for fear that she might face financial difficulties in the future.


→ for fear that + S + might + V


Jason spoke softly for fear that others might overhear their conversation.


→ for fear that + S + might + V


The workers followed strict safety protocols for fear that accidents might occur.


→ for fear that + S + might + V


Ms. Peterson avoided crowded places for fear that she might catch a contagious disease.


→ for fear that + S + might + V


Nicholas kept backup copies of important files for fear that his computer might crash.



The campers took extra precautions for fear that bad weather might affect their outdoor event.



有紮實的文法概念對於新多益或英檢考試都能輕鬆應付。面對多益100題選擇,絕對要把握前30題用來飆分搶時的文法與單字題。如果要結合新多益(New TOEIC)準備,推薦怪物講師系列。有興趣的朋友,也可以到 博客來網路書店 參考:


IV. lest + S+(should) V

  1. lest的意思是「唯恐」,表示不希望某事發生。
  2. lest後面接的子句中有should(萬一),可將should省略,因此V常用原形動詞。
  3. 可與in order not to代換。


Louise always takes notes in his English class lest he should forget what he’s learned.

= Louise always takes notes in his English class lest he forget what he’s learned.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,後面加原形動詞


Ben walked into the room on tiptoe lest he should wake up his baby.

= Ben walked into the room on tiptoe lest he wake up his baby.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,he後面加原形動詞wake up


Lucy introduced herself in detail lest her application to the college should be rejected.

= Lucy introduced herself in detail lest her application to the college be rejected.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,her application後面加原形動詞be


Amanda hides her diary under the bed lest it should be found.

= Amanda hides her diary under the bed lest it be found.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,it後面加原形動詞be



The student studied hard lest he should fail the exam.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,等於The student studied hard lest he fail the exam.


Wendy arrived early lest she should miss the bus.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,等於Wendy arrived early lest she miss the bus.


The Wangs saved money lest they should face financial difficulties.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,等於The Wangs saved money lest they face financial difficulties.

Vera spoke softly lest others should hear their conversation.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,等於Vera spoke softly lest others hear their conversation.


They worked diligently lest they should fall behind schedule.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,等於They worked diligently lest they fall behind schedule.


The students reviewed their presentation carefully lest they should forget important points.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,等於The students reviewed their presentation carefully lest they forget important points.


Benjamin drove slowly lest he should exceed the speed limit.


→ lest that + S should V

→ 可將should省略,等於Benjamin drove slowly lest he exceed the speed limit.



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🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。


✏️牛刀小試 [正解在最後]

  1. Zack always tries his best ________ disappoint his parents.
    (A) in order not to
    (B) in order to
    (C) so as to
    (D) for fear of
  2. Mr. Huang turned off the TV _______ he might disturb his children.
    (A) in order not to
    (B) lest
    (C) in order not
    (D) for fear that
  3. Eric appllied some suntan lotion lest his skin ________ to the sun.
    (A) is exposed
    (B) be exposed
    (C) might be exposure
    (D) should expose
  4. Mia總是有充足的睡眠,唯恐頭痛。
    (1) (for fear that)_______________________
    (2) (lest)_________________


📜 歷年學測作文題目與寫作提示:

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📜 歷年指考英文 翻譯 連結:

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📜 歷年學測指考 考古題單字懶人包:

📜 與 倒裝句 相關的連結

📜 被動語態的相關連結:


🔑 正解:

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. (1) Mia always has an adequate amount of sleep for fear that she would have a headache.

(2) Mia always has an adequate amount of sleep lest she (should) have a headache.

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