have butterflies in one’s stomach用法 |胃裡有蝴蝶?

have butterflies in one’s stomach用法 是什麼呢?butterflies是蝴蝶,stomach是胃,某人在胃裡有蝴蝶是什麼意思?

想想看,胃裡有蝴蝶飛來飛去是什麼感覺呢?如果正要參加一場演講比賽,在旁邊等待時的心情很適合用I have butterflies in my stomach! 來描述。





have butterflies in one’s stomach用法

  1. 意思:非常緊張、忐忑不安 (worry or feel nervous)
  2. 聯想:胃裡面有蝴蝶到處亂飛,一直在胃裡出不來,一定讓人隨著蝴蝶忽高忽低而讓心情七上八下,忐忑不安。
  3. 注意:蝴蝶butterflies是用複數型態。
  4. 等於get/feel butterflies in one’s stomach


Before going on stage, Jamie had butterflies in his stomach.



Determined to give the best performance, the actor had butterflies in his stomach before the show.



Mia had butterflies in her stomach before the speech contest.


= Mia got/felt butterflies in her stomach before the speech contest.


Even when she was having the job interview, Lucy still felt butterflies in her stomach.


= Even when she was having the job interview, Lucy still got butterflies in her stomach.


Mr. Chen always has butterflies in his stomach before he has an important meeting to attend.




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