分詞構句和分詞片語比較 |從表格和例句秒懂差別!

分詞構句和分詞片語比較 起來有什麼不同呢?一樣是含有分詞,究竟在使用上有什麼差別?







分詞構句和分詞片語比較 表格


V-ing/pp, S + V


N + V-ing/pp



分詞構句和分詞片語比較 例句


After the boy got home, he opened the refrigerator to get some ice cream.

= After getting home, the boy opened the refrigerator to get some ice cream.


→ 主詞都是the boy,可省略從句的主詞。可保留連接詞after

→ 主詞和動詞之間為主動關係,用現在分詞getting


When the burglar saw the police officer, he ran as fast as he could.

= (When) seeing the police officer, the burglar ran as fast as he could.


→ 主詞都是the burglar,可省略從句的主詞。可保留連接詞when或省略

→ 主詞和動詞之間為主動關係,用現在分詞seeing


Because the man was satisfied with his son’s academic performance, he bought him an iPad as a gift.

= Being satisfied with his son’s academic performance, the man bought him an iPad as a gift.


→ 主詞都是the man,可省略從句的主詞。連接詞because必須被省略

→ 主詞和動詞之間為主動關係,用現在分詞being


Because Ethan was encouraged by his teacher, he gained much confidence in himself.

= Encouraged by his teacher, Ethan gained much confidence in himself.


→ 主詞都是Ethan,可省略從句的主詞。連接詞because必須被省略

→ 主詞和動詞之間為被動關係,用過去分詞encouraged


If a luggage is left unattended, it will be destroyed by the police.

= If left unattended, a luggage will be destroyed by the police.


→ 主詞都是the luggage,可省略從句的主詞。連接詞if可保留

→ 主詞和動詞之間為被動關係,用過去分詞left



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。



The winner of the speech contest is the girl who wears fancy glasses.

= The winner of the speech contest is the girl wearing fancy glasses.


→ 省略關代who之後,將動詞改為分詞

→ 先行詞和動詞之間為主動關係,用現在分詞wearing

→ 本句為限定用法


People who live in the country tend to feel more relaxed than those who live in the city.

= People living in the country tend to feel more relaxed than those living in the city.


→ 省略關代who之後,將動詞改為分詞

→ 先行詞和動詞之間為主動關係,用現在分詞living

→ 本句為限定用法


The electronic products which are sold in this shop are twice as expensive as those which are sold in that shop.

= The electronic products sold in this shop are twice as expensive as those sold in that shop.


→ 省略關代which之後,將動詞改為分詞

→ 先行詞和動詞之間為被動關係,用過去分詞sold

→ 表示倍數的句型

→ 本句為限定用法


The restaurant which is painted white looks bright and comfortable.

= The restaurant painted white looks bright and comfortable.


→ 省略關代which之後,將動詞改為分詞

→ 先行詞和動詞之間為被動關係,用過去分詞painted

→ 本句為限定用法



Canada, which is blessed with beautiful landscape, attracts numerous tourists annually.

= Canada, blessed with beautiful landscape, attracts numerous tourists annually.


→ 省略關代which之後,將動詞改為分詞

→ 先行詞和動詞之間為被動關係,用過去分詞blessed

→ 先行詞是專有名詞,本句為非限定用法


Jean’s mother, who has a beautiful voice, dreamed of being a singer when she was young.

= Jean’s mother, having a beautiful voice, dreamed of being a singer when she was young.


→ 省略關代who之後,將動詞改為分詞

→ 先行詞和動詞之間為主動關係,用現在分詞having

→ 先行詞是唯一的對象,本句為非限定用法


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