so和such在句首的倒裝句 |簡單又高cp值的應用!

前面學到了 so … thatsuch … that 意思是「如此…以致於」,用來表示程度和造成的結果。接著來學 so和such在句首的倒裝句。

為了強調語氣,so和such引導的字串可以移到句首,因為語序的移動,導致必須使用倒裝句「V + S」句型。


一起來學CP值很高的 so和such在句首的倒裝句 用法吧!





so和such在句首的倒裝句 1

句型:So adj/adv + V + S + that …

  1. 意思是「如此…以致於」。
  2. 在S+ V + so adj/adv + that的句型中,可以將so adj/adv的字串移到句首做強調。
  3. 因為移動語序,原來的SV必須改成倒裝句因應,成為V + S的結構。
  4. 如果V是be動詞、助動詞can等、完成式的have直接移到主詞前。
  5. 如果V是一般動詞,須自行加上do/does/did。


  • 主要V是be動詞,直接和主詞顛倒成 V S

The baby is so adorable that many people like her.

= So adorable is the baby that many people like her.


→ so移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V是be動詞,直接和主詞顛倒即可。


The speech is so boring that many students started to doze off.

= So boring is the speech that many students started to doze off.


→ so移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V是be動詞,直接和主詞顛倒即可。


  • 主要V有助動詞can,直接和主詞顛倒成 V S

The athlethe can run so fast that he has won several gold medals.

= So fast can the athlethe run that he has won several gold medals.


→ so移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V有助動詞can,直接和主詞顛倒即可。


Benjamin’s mom can cook so well that she decided to open a restaurant.

= So well can Benjamin’s mom cook that she decided to open a restaurant.


→ so移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V有助動詞can,直接和主詞顛倒即可。




  • 主要V有完成式的have,直接和主詞顛倒成 V S

These children have behaved so poorly that their parents decided to cancel their trip to Kenting.

= So pooly have these children behaved that their parents decided to cancel their trip to Kenting.


→ so移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V有完成式have pp,只要將have移到主詞之前即可。


The new employee has worked so hard that his boss decided to promote him.

= So hard has the new employee  worked that his boss decided to promote him.


→ so移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V有完成式has pp,只要將has移到主詞之前即可。


  • 主要V是一般動詞,加上do/does/did形成倒裝句

The man felt so hungry that he ate 3 sandwiches at a time.

= So hungry did the man feel that he ate 3 sandwiches at a time.


→ so移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V是一般動詞felt,要加上did改成倒裝句。


The woman got up so late that she missed the bus.

= So late did the woman get up that she missed the bus.


→ so移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V是一般動詞got,要加上did改成倒裝句。


so和such在句首的倒裝句 2

句型:Such adj N + V + S + that …

  1. 意思是「如此…以致於」。
  2. 在S+ V + such adj N + that的句型中,可以將such adj N的字串移到句首做強調。
  3. 因為移動語序,原來的SV必須改成倒裝句因應,成為V + S的結構。
  4. 如果V是be動詞、助動詞can等、完成式的have直接移到主詞前。
  5. 如果V是一般動詞,須自行加上do/does/did。


  • 主要V是be動詞,直接和主詞顛倒成 V S

Ted is such a strong man that he can lift these heavy boxes.

= Such a strong man is Ted that he can lift these heavy boxes.


→ such adj N移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V是be動詞,直接和主詞顛倒成is Ted即可。


  • 主要V有助動詞can,直接和主詞顛倒成 V S

The writer can write such interesting novels that he has become a best-selling author.

= Such interesting novels can the writer write that he has become a best-selling author.


→ such adj N移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V有助動詞can,直接和主詞顛倒即可。


  • 主要V有完成式的have,直接和主詞顛倒成 V S

Hank has creaed such an elaborate design that he will participate in a design competition.

= Such an elaborate design has Hank created that he will participate in a design competition.


→ such adj N移到句首,後面加倒裝句 V + S的結構。

→ V有完成式has pp,只要將has移到主詞之前即可。



✏️牛刀小試 [正解在本篇最後]

I. 練習
  1. So stubborn ______ that it’s not possible to change her mind.
    (A) is Nancy
    (B) Nancy is
    (C) did Nancy
    (D) Nancy has
  2. Such a large amount of food ______ that he feels like vomiting.
    (A) is the mukbanger
    (B) has the mukbanger eaten
    (C) the mukbanger has eaten
    (D) the mukbanger is
  3. _________ that he successfully invented a useful faucet.
    (A) So determined the inventor was
    (B) Such a patient person the inventor was
    (C) So much time did the inventor spend on his experiment
    (D) Such a brilliant idea got the inventor
  4. Selina練習得如此努力,以致於她的演唱會票賣得很好。(So…)



🎯 作文:超核心大考英文寫作(寂天):由基礎到高階的順序開始,分為八大單元,一步步教授寫作技巧,提供重點字彙與主題模版,搭配練習可仿寫,適合從基礎寫作框架開始架構者。


🎯 作文:迎戰108新課綱:英文作文必考題型各個擊破(常春藤):教授基本到高階的寫作技巧、不同類型與主題的文體、針對五大題型「圖表、看圖、書信」等。內容多元、完整,提供大量題目與範文。

🎯 翻譯:大考翻譯實戰題本:以主題為單元,題目兩兩一組,依照大考方式出題,提供漂亮詞彙與實用句型。

📜 學測必背片語 特輯:

📜 歷年學測 翻譯 連結

📜 歷年指考英文 翻譯 連結:

📜 大考英文翻譯練習連結:

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📜 歷年指考作文題目與寫作提示:


📜 多益文法相關連結:


📜 與 倒裝句 相關的連結


🔑 正解:

  1. (A)
  2. (B)
  3. (C)
  4. So hard did Selina practice that the tickets to her concert sold very well.

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