take the world by storm |造成轟動還可怎麼說?

take the world by storm 是什麼意思?storm是風暴,這個片語不是指天氣的風暴來臨,而是指某人或某事的成功在世界中掀起一陣風暴,表示爆紅、造成轟動、大獲成功或大受歡迎等的意思。

片語的本身是take … by storm,中間可以代換成掀起風暴的地點,例如the world, the country, Taiwan等。記得storm前不用加the喔!





take the world by storm 的用法

  1. 片語的本身是take … by storm,中間可以代換成掀起風暴的地點,例如the world, the country, Taiwan等。
  2. 記得storm前不用加the喔!
  3. 類似的用法還有cause a sensation (造成轟動)、go viral (爆紅)、be popular with (受…歡迎)、win popularity with (受…歡迎)。


The well-produced musical the Phantom of the Opera has taken the world by storm.


→ take the world by storm意為風靡全球

= The well-produced musical the Phantom of the Opera has caused a sensation in the world.

= The well-produced musical the Phantom of the Opera has gone viral in the world.


In recent years, cycling has taken Taiwan by storm.


→ take Taiwan by storm意為風靡台灣


Ever since the young singer released his album, his music has taken the music world by storm.


→ take the music world by storm意為風靡音樂世界



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