pluck up one’s courage 用法 |鼓起勇氣有哪些說法?

pluck up one’s courage 是什麼意思?courage是勇氣,pluck up是「鼓起」、「振作」,因此這個片語是鼓起勇氣的意思。這個片語在學測、多益、英檢的作文情境中都很好使用,是必背的片語喔!






pluck up one’s courage 的用法

  1. courage是勇氣,pluck up是「鼓起」、「振作」,pluck up one’s courage是某人鼓起勇氣。
  2. 類似的用法還有summon up one’s courage、screw up one’s courage、call upon one’s courage。
  3. 後面如果要加動作,可加to V。


The shy boy finally plucked up the courage to give a speech in front of his classmates.


= The shy boy finally summoned up the courage to give a speech in front of his classmates.

= The shy boy finally screwed up his courage to give a speech in front of his classmates.

= The shy boy finally called upon his courage to give a speech in front of his classmates.


After a thorough consideration, Amy plucked up the courage to talk to her parents about her dream job.


= After a thorough consideration, Amy screwed up her courage to talk to her parents about her dream job.


Davis finally plucked up his courage to talk about the pay raise with his general manager.


= Davis finally called upon his courage to talk about the pay raise with his general manager.



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