不定詞to V 怎麼用? |當形容詞的用法

不定詞to V 可以當形容詞用喔!前面提到不定詞to V當副詞時,放在句首用,意思是「為了」,用於表示目的。接著這篇來看不定詞to V 的另一個用法:當形容詞用。

在不定詞當形容詞的用法中,是將不定詞放在名詞後面,形成「N + to V」結構,形容主詞將要去對這個名詞做的動作。






不定詞to V 用法 2:N + to V

不定詞to V:當形容詞

  1. to V不定詞可以當形容詞,放在名詞後面修飾。
  2. 句型:N + to V
  3. 此用法表示「要對這名詞作的動作」。
  4. 此用法中的不定詞必須緊跟在名詞後。


The hungry homeless man has nothing to eat.


→ to V當形容詞,修飾N

→ to V表示「要吃的」,形容nothing

= The hungry homeless man has nothing that he can eat.


The adventurous man surely has many stories to share with us.


→ to V當形容詞,修飾N

→ to V表示「要分享的」,形容many stories

= The adventurous man surely has many stories that he wants to share with us.


The busy businessman has several meetings to attend.


→ to V當形容詞,修飾N

→ to V表示「要參加的」,形容several meetings

= The busy businessman has several meetings that he should attend.


It seems that the melancholy lady has something to say.


→ to V當形容詞,修飾N

→ to V表示「要說的」,形容something

= It seems that the melancholy lady has something that she wishes to say.



This restaurant provides good food and service. Its customers has nothing to complain about.

(這家餐廳提供美味的食物和服務。 它的客人沒有什麼可抱怨的。)

→ to V當形容詞,修飾N

→ to V表示「要抱怨的」,形容nothing

= This restaurant provides good food and service. Its customers has nothing that they can complain about.


The honest man has no secrets to hide from his family or friends. He always tells the truth.

(這誠實的人不會向家人或朋友隱瞞任何秘密。 他總是說實話。)

→ to V當形容詞,修飾N

→ to V表示「要對家人或朋友隱藏的」,形容secrets

=The honest man has no secrets that he wants to hide from his family or friends. He always tells the truth.



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